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I wish people would stop telling me life will get better

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Well-Known Member
It doesn't for me if I thought it would I would allow myself to get excited but no it always makes me fall harder and feel worse.... I know it's what everyone says things can better things will change, your not alone, try this and that ect. I've tried it all already stop, just please stop trying to make me feel better because i don't, I know every time I feel something will happen it goes wrong so I will be happier thinking it will go wrong. Then if anything good happens then obviously I would be more happy if I weren't expecting it. Thanks
I get it. I had someone said to me things will get better but things got a billion times worse for me. So I will say to you instead I hope things will get better for you.
It is like sitting at midnight, wishing for daylight. It WILL come, but in it's own time. Things will change, but not when you want. It is like love. You cannot decide to go find someone to love, it just happens, and usually when you least expect it.
If there is one thing I have learned about life, it is that we control nothing. We just deal with whatever we have been given. We can accept it, or deny it, but we do not choose it.
Tomorrow could be the best day of your life.
It is like sitting at midnight, wishing for daylight. It WILL come, but in it's own time. Things will change, but not when you want. It is like love. You cannot decide to go find someone to love, it just happens, and usually when you least expect it.
If there is one thing I have learned about life, it is that we control nothing. We just deal with whatever we have been given. We can accept it, or deny it, but we do not choose it.
Tomorrow could be the best day of your life.
Peace, I would like to respectfully disagree with you. It's a very "dog eat dog" world that we all live in. I believe that it is up to every individual to make his way in this world. If you want something, you had better go after it because it's not likely someone will give it to you. I have had to work for everything that I have. I control my life. That being said, I know this leads to cutthroat practices that I do not condone. It is possible to make your way through this world with out stepping on everybody's toes. Peace be with you.
Your response to peace is not likely true, some people work damn hard and still end up with nothing because some people are ignorant and bully people with autism, unless u understand my thread don't comment it's that simple
Your response to peace is not likely true, some people work damn hard and still end up with nothing because some people are ignorant and bully people with autism, unless u understand my thread don't comment it's that simple
Amelia, I am very sorry that I offended you. You are right, some people are ignorant and bully people. I got bullied when I was younger. Over time, my attitude changed and I decided not to let it happen to me. However I know we are not all the same and some might not be able to do this. Again, I am sorry.
If people only asked questions or talked about what they already understand, no one would learn anything new. Clg apologized---to me that's a good starting point for fresh discourse about this subject.
Well that's what books, real life and the internet are for... If your trying to depress me more well done and good bye
I assure you I was not. There are people here and elsewhere who want to help you. You just have to let them. I know it's difficult. I understand that. Please try to talk to someone about how you've been feeling.
I did, didn't u read any of my other posts I went I. A mental ward and they was nasty to me because I have autism, told me they couldn't help me and discharged me... They discriminated against me and said I used my condition as an excuse all because I tried to explain how it affected me!
I assure you I was not. There are people here and elsewhere who want to help you. You just have to let them. I know it's difficult. I understand that. Please try to talk to someone about how you've been feeling.

Please understand everyone handle things in different ways. I have a very good friend that I speak with online. Currently she going through a very hard time for her life. Based what I learned with the friendship, there times she just wants alone time. I told her take as long as a break she needs. I told her to only care about herself and use the support network that works for her. She was very happy that I respect her views. Any how if a person does not want help, please accept their views.
You're preaching to the choir, friend. I've been in both positions before. But I won't apologize for acting out of concern for another person when he or she seems to want someone to listen.
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