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Yes, and if you didn't have autism u wouldn't be you! Your brain would be wired differently you may have a completely different life actually how your autism affects you says how your brain is wired and it's your brain so your autism is and always will be part of who you are
I see this slightly differently, but kind of in the same vein I suppose, in terms of being a person. I am a human, but I'm an Autistic human. That means my brain processes things differently to people whose brains aren't wired like mine. I can't change it, and I don't want to, it is what it is. Autism affects everything I do, because it is a processing difference. Who knows if I would think the same things and react the way I do if I weren't Autistic. I don't think I would though. I've done some pretty cool things in my time, and that's because I see things in the way that I do, so if it wants kissing goodnight, then a kiss goodnight it shall haveThis is in my opinion actually a rather difficult question. We can always ask this question: what exactly is ASD?
We could say that it's a disorder or condition that affects social behavior. Could we then say that we behave in a certain way in social situations just because we have ASD? Is it really that simple? Of course not! One could also ask if ASD is just psychology and we still have human free will to act in the right way. This is just me thinking loudly!
Yes, I have ASD but I refuse to kiss my diagnosis good night before going to sleep. I am not an aspie! I am a hunan person!