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Illusion and its cure, knowledge

I'm not really monk material :) .

But it would be way cool to visit a monastery, especially if they were teachers.

I looked for reasonably close Buddhist centers, but I live way out in the boonies (I'm not a monk, but I am nearly a hermit) and the nearest is several hours drive from me.

Fortunately, Buddhists are big on teaching so I can find endless information easily. Still, it would be nice to talk face-to-face to people about interesting things, and learn different points of view.

I had to look up Plum Village. That does look interesting.

The article refers to the founder (Thích Nhất Hạnh) as a Zen Buddhist. Both forms of Buddhism are interesting. I like the Taoist/Buddhist mix of Zen Buddhism, but it would be less effective for me, I think.
Thich Nhat Hanh was also called an “Engaged Buddhist.” Instead of isolation they work to change the world, mostly for peace. I don’t know what they are doing now, but he was instrumental and participated in the Paris Peace talks to end the war in Viet Nam. For someone in my generation, this was a monumental event.

His books are well worth reading. I highly recommend Peace in Every Step.
Thich Nhat Hanh was also called an “Engaged Buddhist.” Instead of isolation they work to change the world, mostly for peace. I don’t know what they are doing now, but he was instrumental and participated in the Paris Peace talks to end the war in Viet Nam. For someone in my generation, this was a monumental event.

His books are well worth reading. I highly recommend Peace in Every Step.
I will read that. I've heard of him, but not gotten to reading his work. There is so much interesting & useful literature!
Does anyone know what I mean. I have tried Tai chi and like you could say any text and get into a stance defence mode like blocking your arms as well. I was trying do some self work.

Is this may be connected somewhere.
Does anyone know what I mean. I have tried Tai chi and like you could say any text and get into a stance defence mode like blocking your arms as well. I was trying do some self work.

Is this may be connected somewhere.
I understand only "Defence".

Do you want to hear what i think about this? As Tai Chi and Karate are self-defence arts.

Edit: I'm graduated as at Strategic Royal School (my School)
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Does anyone know what I mean. I have tried Tai chi and like you could say any text and get into a stance defence mode like blocking your arms as well. I was trying do some self work.

Is this may be connected somewhere.
Tai Chi isn't Buddhist, although it is a form of meditation.

Tai Chi is based on the Toaist belief that energy has a "natural flow." The Tai Chi exercises are intended get the physical body aligned with that flow.

(because Tai Chi is Taoist, it might be more comparable with Zen Buddhism than with Buddhism proper)
Thank you those who replied to my question.
Physically I could be get stronger and core strenght as well for spine needs strenght.
May be some autism could benefit. Pushing away negativity and .blocking.

It is building a inner core strenght a holding an armour defence as well like a block and maintaing it and dropping it. Many of us could get stronger and not a religious issue but an interplay as well.

When my mobility sorts it self out I will look at again. It came so many defence modes which were gentle. Some similar threads it seems and woke up to find out had posted a bit today today. Some break to be had soon.


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What definition of "religion" is being used?
I'm assuming you are East Asian type Human. And you are curious. I'm assuming you ask because you don't know how Abrahamic faiths work.

He is adapting a "flexible" religious approach, and that's good. But he is saying it is Hard and Soft.

So it's not permissable to claim Prophethood after Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) of Islam. Of course strength is not important, but self-control, like in China.

Allah decleares: "It is He who has sent His Apostle with guidance and the true religion that He may make it *prevail over on all religions though the polytheists should be averse."

The word to prevail (يظهر) might be called to back .. so to back is Defense.

On a sidenote, i am Aspergers, and I have reasons to believe i'm Royal Gard as we see in a thread here. Which is not major maybe. I believe i'm under Prophet Mohammed, and could be called Apostle. Aspergers say such things. But I don't expect people to do anything supernatural nor difficult for Allah, they have free will. We're trying to have self-control.
Well, both assumptions are incorrect :) . I am curious, though.

I'm not clear on what a "flexible" approach to defining religion means.

If you could list about two or three qualities that a system of beliefs would have to have in order to qualify as a religion, it would help me to understand.

The "hard" and "soft" relate (I think) to the two opposing forces of The Tao. They are most commonly known as "Yin" and "Yang."
1) I'm potentially Potent, that makes me Hard. Men are Hard.
2) In Norway we say "Much to grab, and much to be happy in". Women are Soft. I'm getting older, also technically more like a Woman. Like changing lines in Yi Ching.
3) Royalty neccesarily under The Seal of Prophets under Prophet Mohammed (saws) are "flexible" approach under the head-servant.

And God knows best
1) I'm potentially Potent, that makes me Hard. Men are Hard.
2) In Norway we say "Much to grab, and much to be happy in". Women are Soft. I'm getting older, also technically more like a Woman. Like changing lines in Yi Ching.
3) Royalty neccesarily under The Seal of Prophets under Prophet Mohammed (saws) are "flexible" approach under the head-servant.

And God knows best
In the Taoist text, the Tao Te Ching, the "hard" and "soft" forces are frequently represented by "stone" and "water."

It says something like:

There is nothing as soft and yielding as water, and nothing as hard and resisting as stone. Over time, the water wears the stone to nothing.
@TBRS1 I remembered further, historically Humans worshipped Phallus-es and fertility. People worshipped sex in other words. Until Islam eventually came, in Islam we worship Allah.

So it's good to be Ladies man and treat females Well. It is good to treat Hard men well.

And Allāh knows best
In the Taoist text, the Tao Te Ching, the "hard" and "soft" forces are frequently represented by "stone" and "water."
I've never read up much about it, but I was always under the impression that Yin/Yang (etc) were more expressions of the way opposites are inextricably linked in a fairly non-specific fashion. Is that correct?

People worshipped sex in other words. Until Islam eventually cam, in Islam we worship Allah.
Are you saying the preceding Abrahamic religions (or even all religions?) were little more than sex cults? Considering all the things those religions have in common with Islam that seems a remarkable claim, what is the difference from Islam that makes them as you describe? It seems a very demeaning thing to other religions, is this what your meaning is?
I've never read up much about it, but I was always under the impression that Yin/Yang (etc) were more expressions of the way opposites are inextricably linked in a fairly non-specific fashion. Is that correct?
Yes, exactly.

Think of it less as a thing, and more as a classification system. The classification system is binary - with names that are opposite, such as "hard" and "soft."

Every pair of opposites that can be placed in either category is, even though it is a thing-in-itself, it is also 1/2 of the "whole" that they make (shorter explanation: "up" can only exist because "down" exists).

Generally, Taoism is about the way things flow according to principles of nature (natural laws), so the forces of the "flowing Tao" are put into "hard" or "soft" categories depending on how quickly energy is expended.

For example, a bomb destroying a city is an example of the "hard" force. The same city, destroyed by slow decay and being reclaimed by nature is an example of the "soft" force.
Think of it less as a thing, and more as a classification system. The classification system is binary - with names that are opposite, such as "hard" and "soft."
Ah, that's good, this was my thought on what it represented. Personally I prefer light and dark being genuine opposites but I can see hard and soft working just as well.
Though the Hard and Soft as used by @lunarious don't seem to be the same thing.

I don't understand what you are saying @Boogs

Edit: not fully
Well you seemed to be saying that the other religions, or at least the other Abrahamic religions are nothing but sex worshippers? All but Islam?
Is that what you meant, if so why do think that? It seems strange to separate other religions so much like your own in this way, can you explain what makes them sex obsessed and Muslims are not? What is the difference in the religions that causes this?
Ah, that's good, this was my thought on what it represented. Personally I prefer light and dark being genuine opposites but I can see hard and soft working just as well.
Though the Hard and Soft as used by @lunarious don't seem to be the same thing.

Well you seemed to be saying that the other religions, or at least the other Abrahamic religions are nothing but sex worshippers? All but Islam?
Is that what you meant, if so why do think that? It seems strange to separate other religions so much like your own in this way, can you explain what makes them sex obsessed and Muslims are not? What is the difference in the religions that causes this?
I don't know too much what this is really about it. Sometimes I open and thread not knowing quite sure thread is and about and pull down right to the end.

But get a hold of this. Some words bolded stand out. I am not to decide this is no school yard and met no one stand the 10 commandments the beatitues Blessed are the peace keeper the modesty

Now I love modesty and I will never say how to dress to you. But my preference is a modesty. I love the clothing of nuns.

No judgement for me and no sweeties as well cannot be bought with another money and staying as Christianity. Way of life. I look for no name for noone man or woman has ever taken my bed and never will do. My heart is married to faith and you say again.

People must do what they do any way no my judging or interest and certainly buying vile books or videos or watching. Don't even show me your gut.

Come to a prayer head covered wish could full garb nuns but I am no Shariah woman althoug grandad mum was before converted Muslim and I really wish met whatever he was loved him whatever.

Those three words I CANNOT even type.

But I am not that one and many will not be and let not kid self in London a ring in Bradford getting school of the brown kind brother these children are children and it is wrong if happened from an ice cream as a sweetie after a brown brother

People are failing all failing one. My family my cousin who I adore squishes met him on holiday 2014 proper he said he is. Now eyes turned would you like a drink two or so and so would go and pray face expect or so or hold you do some salututions none. SPAT out still loved stilll do. Some are more how shall keeper of rules. Your muslim or my muslim.

Now I don't to link school girls in Bradford or Birmigham abuse by brown skin if so. etc etc. Hope it was a ploy but all over messing and even women some as well
Bradford grooming gang jailed for total of 132 years for raping and abusing under-age girls in care
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Ah, that's good, this was my thought on what it represented. Personally I prefer light and dark being genuine opposites but I can see hard and soft working just as well.
Though the Hard and Soft as used by @lunarious don't seem to be the same thing.

Well you seemed to be saying that the other religions, or at least the other Abrahamic religions are nothing but sex worshippers? All but Islam?
Is that what you meant, if so why do think that? It seems strange to separate other religions so much like your own in this way, can you explain what makes them sex obsessed and Muslims are not? What is the difference in the religions that causes this?
Sex is not forbidden in Islam. But reserved in lack of better word, to married people.

Because in Islam everything happens professionally. So marriage requires contract as much as business does. Marriage is a type business technically.

Although; i think this is not a metal excersice. Write contract, do it. Follow The Law.

If anyone does not take my rights by force or not, i can not complain about him. I will speak about rights although right is a Political term. But i will stop here.

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