Ithink he is just wanting some sort of help and this is likely the only forum that fits. @Balldez look at high senitive personality disorder. I just came across that recently and some people misinterpret ASD for HS. I dont know any advice to give if they are shut off completely. Maybe give it time and readdress in a few months
1. They become overwhelmed when they have a lot to do.
Highly sensitive people struggle to stay on task when they have several different things to do. They become observably anxious, and as their stress level increases, they have more difficulty being productive.
That would be Wifey and Sonny Boy to a lesser degree.
2. They find noisy environments chaotic.
Highly sensitive people don't work well in open offices because their senses are put into overdrive by the sights, sounds, smells, and activity buzzing around them.
Sounds a little bit like Sonny Boy
3. They get "hangry."
When highly sensitive people are hungry, they grow angry. They struggle to function and often take out their frustrations on those closest to them.
Nope but when Wifey is tired she's meaner and grouchier than usual.
4. They choke when they're under observation.
Highly sensitive people perform at their peak when they're in private. Put them in a high-stakes situation, such as a presentation in front of their boss, and they're likely to perform poorly due to the pressure.
That sounds like a lot of people. I don't think it's them. They both are hostile and fearful of criticism. That would be narcissism. Wifey had gotten a food processor and she could not figure out how to assemble it. She got hostile when I told her I would do it. Finally after 20 minutes she broke down and asked me for help. She was angry that I could do it.
5. They're deeply moved by the arts.
Whether it's attending a musical or visiting an art gallery, highly sensitive people appreciate the arts: They find that expressions of creativity stir up their emotions.
Wifey and Sonny Boy do better at the zoo than an art museum. They actually seem to lack sensitivity. I am moved by music and visual arts. They are less so. I just saw the movie All the Money In the World and I got a bit misty when the boy was rescued from the kid nappers and I got a bit queasy watching the scene where they cut off the kid's ear. The guy I was with left the theater because it was so disturbing. Wifey would look away. It would not phase Sonny Boy.
6. They recognize other people's discomfort.
Highly sensitive people recognize when someone else needs the lights dimmed or the music turned down. They easily sense when other people are feeling overwhelmed.
I do and have empathy. Wifey gets annoyed when I'm hurting. I have chronic pain and a rarely tell her that I am hurting. But when I get a sharp pain of have a flare up on intense pain she gets annoyed. I hide it the best I can. Sonny Boy is actually more compassionate.
7. They retreat when things become too overwhelming.
After a long day or a busy week, a highly sensitive person needs quiet time to recharge. A dark bedroom, for example, can provide the perfect space to recuperate.
Sounds like a lot of people. Wifey is because she's so hormonal. Sonny Boy is just a wimp.
8. They grow uncomfortable when there are loud noises.
Loud rock concerts and noisy fireworks displays usually aren't much fun for highly sensitive people—they have a lower threshold for noise compared to the rest of the population.
Nope. Sonny Boy used to go to rock concerts and we all enjoy fireworks displays especially the booms.