it depends on how much I’ve been told, I think it’s something to do with being almost blind and starting to go shortsighted when I was in my first teenage years ,so when somebody describes how they look I always think no it’s not quite right .You know how all these aspie quizzes asks if you can picture what someone looks like when you're reading? I'm taking it as to mean the book has described the person and can you picture it by the description?
When a movie comes out about a book, I've heard so many people say the people in the movie are just like they pictured them. Not me - I'm always so far off I'm wondering 'what did I read?'
I do have a picture in back of my mind of people I've not met - like you guys, for instance. Of course I'm always way off. I remember seeing @Autistamatic 's first video thinking nothing like I pictured.
I guess I always did that with music groups, too. One of the reasons I never liked watching music videos - ruins it for me.
How accurate are you when picturing someone you've never seen?
I remember kristen Stewart describing how Bella would look when she becomes a vampire ( Twilight breaking Dawn )and she said of course very pale but I think because my eyes are weak she started to look not quite as pale