With regards to amphetamines, while I have never tried methamphetamine, I have been addicted to the amphetamine, we in the UK call base, and sectioned once for it.All I can say is I understand, and wish you good luck. You can quit, but it's very hard and your life will never be the same. It's hard to find enjoyment in life anymore after prolonged amphetamine use. They change your brain chemistry and literally nothing feels the same as it once did.
That being said, being alive and not in prison or a mental hospital is a good thing. Best of luck!
I was so addicted to it, I took it for about a year after being sectioned.
I lost my source.
I couldn’t be bothered with the comedowns and it absolutely stinks horrible. I couldn’t tolerate it now.
Bottom line, life can be good after speed, UK base, anyway, can’t speak for meth, uncommon drug here.