General human mindset has changed so much just in my lifetime. The biggest thing I notice is the "I Can't Because . . . whiny whiny excuse excuse . . . "
My mechanical engineer started his first job $1/day at age 5, rounding up dairy cows before and after school. Rigged up his own pulley system in the barn to put the saddle on Rawhide because he didn't want to bother his Dad twice a day. When the cows got themselves stuck in the mud, he and Rawhide had to get them out and to the barn. Then back home to clean up to go to school, then repeat in the afternoon, plus after school chores for his Mom and for his grandparents across the road.
Until age 11, when he exchanged the cows for the corner filling station, and added football, baseball, and track to his afternoon responsibilities.
Until age 17, when he graduated high school and started his first full-time job repairing cars, and building race cars and motorcycles on the side for extra money to support his new family, and trying to study all at same time.
Until 1964 when drafted into the Army and sent to Germany for 2 years.
Until 1967 when he came home, picked up the threads of his life, started work at the refinery (retired 34 years later) and completed his college degree.
Raised 4 children with 2 previous wives, earned 10 grandchildren and 15 great-grandchildren.
Buried 2 children and his grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles, and cousins with love and respect.
Endured 33 1/2 years so far with me and yesterday said he is still glad (yes you know i am high maintenance).
Survived cancer that almost killed him 5 times last year.
Never one single time has this man whined "I can't because . . ."
Whatever it is that needs doing, this man does it and not with attitude or pouty bottom lip or sideways looks or muttering.
Just quietly and correctly and then moves on to the next thing. Because it needs doing too.