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In a week from today, I go under the knife.

The surgeon is going to carve up my septum and my nasal passages and reconstruct them. I won't be allowed to blow my nose for two weeks after the fact. I will be taking one week off work to recover before returning for light duties the rest of the month.

The procedure and the healing is going to suck, but the end results will be worth it. Being able to breathe when I sleep will be worth it. It is going to get a lot worse before it gets better, though.
Talked with an older guy who had something like this done.
Packing his nasal passage with cocaine was part of the procedure.

I don't guess they still do that, do they?
Talked with an older guy who had something like this done.
Packing his nasal passage with cocaine was part of the procedure.

I don't guess they still do that, do they?
I am not going to Dr. Feelgood, he won't make me feel alright, he's not going to be my Frankenstein.
Addendum to my comment: "Coke dissolves the septum" is definitely more dramatic hearsay than fact, but I know its not great for the nasal passages.
Geez, I already know the doctor is not going to give me any narcotics after the surgery - probably because I asked him not to. CBD gummies and Tylenol is what I will rely on. And ice cream.

I probably should have asked for heroin so I could be a rock star just like Perry Farrell.
Surgery went well, no complications, although I think I will be in some pain tomorrow. Staying at the parents house tonight because the doctors do not want me home alone the night after surgery, and it is obnoxious.

I feel a bit dehydrated, and it is going to feel odd having stints up my nose until a week from today.
Pain is hitting me now, but it really is not as bad as I thought it might be. Nothing that needs the oxy the doctor insisted on prescribing for me.
I am back home now. I have a large jug of unsweetened iced green tea. I have lots of soup. I have my Keurig if I need coffee. I have my blanket and my couch. I am set for a while.

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