I was hoping you all could let it rest, but hey... we're aspies, aren't we and apparently we all need to get that last word in.
I made a statement about qwerty's post, which I felt was rattling off in an agressive way towards me, and just me for actions taken and a statement posted. I can't deny anyone else but me posted a statement about the situation that led to the banning and closing of a certain thread because of contents.
However, it also seems people turn something that's seemingly positive (an attempt to offer some transperancy) into something negative because I apparently used the wrong words, the wrong comparisons and people read into it way, way more than they should.
Some take offense in what I posted for one reason or another, however, it apparently isn't universally offensive, since other members have contacted me in private and stated they agree with said statement and action. And this is where I find myself in the middle. If the entire forum was outraged I can totally understand the responses posted in this thread here, but the forum seems to have it's people that agree as well as those that disagree, hence the concensus is that it's not universially considered a bad thing... and thus I personally feel I don't need to justify or edit anything going on here. I can't please everyone, simple as that.
I fail to see why the example that anything but "normative" heterosexual behaviour (there, I did by best to avoid saying "gay people")that is frowned upon in some parts of the world, is the utmost vile example. Heck, in some parts of the world people get in serious trouble with the law, perhaps more than looking at some images of naked kids. What people seem to have miscontrued here is that I'm saying they're both bad, and equally bad, and they're not.
There are a few other topics that might not appeal to everyone because of how they were raised or where they currently reside. Gay rights don't sit well with everyone, some people might be a bit more conservative, and that's fine. You're still welcome here, just try and respect peoples views on that. However, I don't think it's that far-fetched to have a handful of topics that are universally considered a problematic issue, and I've mentioned it before... child pornography is among those.
Nowhere in this section do I state that being gay is the same as looking at or owning child pornography. I suppose one can argue that my grammar and sentence structure might be a bit "odd" but nowhere do I say they're both equally bad (nor that I personally think being gay is a bad thing). What I did point out is, and I'll repeat what I said earlier here, in some parts of the world even being gay is a problem, and I did use this example (keyword; Example) to illustrate how some people have a different opinion or cultural bias, yet we allow people here, and in general, in the western world to openly talk and excercise their right to do many things, and that's where my example of being gay (or for the heck of it, the entire LGBT community) comes from. Stating that I'm putting it out as wrong and just as "bad" as child porn is putting words in my mouth, as I didn't say this, I did mention that some topics are taboo and child porn is one of those... Nowhere did I mention that sexual orientation is taboo... again, you're all reading into it too much.
Also; and this is what irks me greatly about this entire situation here. It feels like you all are assuming I'm ok with everything certain people have posted. If I were to excercise my own morals and beliefs, rather than operate consensus based, a lot of stuff wouldn't fly here, yet don't let them steer any judgment.
Also; as said in my previous post in this thread here. You question what post was the one that made me remove the thread and take action. I choose to take action on sunday in the late afternoon (my time) but by the time thread has been going on for over a day. That might've been a day too long, but it's not like I have been actively been around for more than a few minutes over the last weekend when that thread was going on. Yet, when I got word of the thread, I sat down, read it and considered it "not ok" (yes I said not ok, but feel free to use any other adjective rather than argue that I used "not ok" instead of "horrible" since apparently people like to argue about the choice of words not being exactly to their liking). And exactly then, when the topic was already 4 pages in, but was the first time I caught wind of it, I closed it. If anything that seems to be appropriate enough in terms of action in regards to the topic and the action taken.
Lastly; this attempted crusade against me has been neat and all, but it has to stop somewhere. And this is pretty much that point. I'm locking this thread and starting a new one to continue just feels more like a disruption than anything. Are you allowed to question staff actions? Yes, but do it in an orderly manner in private, rather than try to gather a crowd with pitchforks.
Just like others assume of me, I'm assuming that everyone has said what they wanted, and if not, I assume you have a lot of other frustrations you have to deal with in regards to this forum, forum staff or certain matters in life, in general.
It might actually be a good thing if
Brent makes an official statement about how we do not condone child porn or anything that masquerades as such, I'm all for that. I might even suggest we have a little thread going on about topics we, as a community consider "an issue" just to have a general idea and consensus. I'm sure that such a thread will give some people an insight about topics that are seemingly ok for them, but apparently cause offense to others. But if it helps us prevent situations like this and have better overall guidelines in relation to content both as members and staff, it can't hurt, can it?
qwerty if you have such a huge issue with me using gay as an example, feel free to bring up an example people can relate to, is a "common" theme and will not divide the community if used as an example. This isn't some kind of sarcastic remark, I'm genuinely asking you for input. My inbox is open for you if you have such constructive feedback.
Thanks for reading