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Indirect questions

Maybe that's how she communicates? With everyone?

Frustrating for sure.

I tend to view times like these as an opportunity to 'discover the code' if you like, as a way of finding a compromise for communication styles.
To find a way to communicate with said individual better.

Can't change how they verbalise their thoughts and have to accept.

In my own life I find many people use patterns when talking.
In the same way particular demographic areas have their own slang, colloquiums, terms and phrases, individuals use patterns too.

Spend enough time in the company of, talking with and listening to individuals,
some patterns may be observed.

I've tended to use those to try to understand context. To try to figure out the information they want from me.
(Because they don't phrase questions the same way I do)

I could be way off the mark @Suzette but my interpretation of the example you gave is one of consideration.

She's your mom. You were taking a nap.
Rather than announce "I'm home" or "It's only me" and disturb you,
She was trying to be quiet while she went about her business inside her home but may not have managed to be as quiet as she'd have liked while you were sleeping.

So she asks you "I bet you were wondering who was clattering about?"
when she sees you on waking.

Whether you did or not is a different story,
the point was trying to understand intention or meaning behind something asked,
in a way we would never ask.

Frustrating? Definitely :)
Easily deciphered?
- if you can discover 'thecode' to crack the ciphers :)

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