It is said that people with ASD are really good at something. Why would ASD make us extremely good at something?
I have heard that it is mostly something "intelectual" that we are supposed to be good at if we have diagnosis such as ASD level 1 or AS. What is this supposed to mean? They say that we do physical stuff in an intelectual way? Well, maybe not always but I am talking about doing tasks. Are we good at being intellectuall (which is not the same as academic of course)?
I am confused! So all the physical tasks we do ate intelectual tasks for us?
Even showing emotions is an intellectual task for us? Perhaps not extreme emotions as it will just come out anyway and in a non-social accepted way, I guess.
I don't remember exactly who said it but I have heard a lot about it and it seems true. People missunderstand me a lot because of this.
I have thought about this. And i feel that, people with ASD develop special skills / interests, as we are often 'loners'. we have all the free time in the world, to find an interest, and then become really good at that interest.