I was exceptionally lucky at school, and mostly was just ignored rather than bullied. I was lucky my school wasn't too bad for stopping overt bullying, the outright physically violent type, I was lucky to be large, 6 ft+ and at the time fairly heavy (especially mid teens on); and I think the bullies never quite could decide if I was an easy enough victim, so made the simple choice of picking on the more vulnerable looking one's.
Bullying can invoke such awful feelings, and not just the physical, but mental bullying, cyber bullying (as mentioned) and pretty much any sort of one-sided attack of that nature. It's the unfeeling cruelty and sadism of it. But now I believe it's as much a part of most people as many other social aspects of human culture. We are just beasts, in the sense that in many ways we differ much less than we like to think from our genetic cousins in the animal kingdom. Look at anthropologic style studies of ape communities in the wild, how they interact and develop social standing and position. They too use so many of the same behavioural traits we can see in our own communities. same with other species, though apes are easier to interpret and relate to.
In the uk there was a recent piece of research published on the back of a study of a year of school children, following them through their lives, to gain data not available before as the study ran for many decades (from the 60's or 70's), is still going I think. The point though was this team looked at the people who built up records of bullying at school and related matters (minor police involvement etc), and the results, as I suspect most here would guess, was that those who were the biggest bullies went on to become the most successful in adult life, gained the highest positions, acquired the most wealth, generally were what most people would describe as having done better than most. Their success had little to do with their intelligence or academic ability, but rather their ability to bully their way up the ladder.
Why are the more senior people the most likely to enable bullying? Why do they so often allow it to happened, even participate themselves? Those with the most, picking on those with the least.
I think it's in part a blind mechanism many people run to without knowing why or how, or even that they do it. And this may be expected when considering evolution is not a kind mistress, and fair is an abstract concept, not some law of nature, quite the opposite in fact.
For our 'sins' (an expression only!), we are cursed to be able to see this, we can peek through the veiled view that others are unaware of, and we can see the injustice where they see only social position and order without conscious thought of their part in it.
So, who in the end is the weaker? Those who blindly act and lash out for only their own appeasement and benefit, or us who can see them for what they are, little more than any other animal sightlessly fighting to stay off the bottom of the heap? But never knowing the trap they are in themselves? For the harder they fight and bully their way up the ladder, the more they surround themselves with others waiting to do the same to them.
And these are the people who have done the most to make of our world the worst. Maybe we are the more evolved? What a nice thought that could be! Even if it means little in the face of things.
I for one, while I too can be trite and envious of material gain and perceived popularity of others, I know in my heart I'd never be happy in that position, never feel successful or proud of myself, in fact, I suspect I'd hate it more than anything. So my big FU to them all is to say "I'm still here, and you ain't getting rid of me
THAT easy!" (but I have to admit, I may whisper it sometimes, to avoid a metaphorical thump!
