I stopped using fb after it was used to bully me by a neighbor. I don't go to reddit or places likely to be frequented by unmonitored, or ill monitored, socially immature and ignorant people.
We have freedom of choice to go with our freedom of speech, the onus is on us to use it.
We are SO LUCKY to have freedoms. Here's a suggestion, let's be responsible and avoid net spaces that engage in alienating discourse (not intending to sound condescending here, just thoughtful).
Rather than call for more laws, we should use our freedoms wisely (ideally, if we are wise, the problem is, so often, we are not), so that we don't become responsible for freedoms removed from us.
We really need to advocate for responsibly, to go with our freedoms.
Calling for censorship is a slippery slope to an ever oppressive regime, instead, open discussion and the choice to click "ignore" or to avoid hurtful conversation is ours and by God, I appreciate my freedoms and I won't abuse them, coz I don't want to lose them or contribute to an oppressive society.
If you think it can't happen, just look back to the USSR not that long ago, or to Nth Korea, Saudi Arabia (for women, especially) or China, still.
Please don't try to shut down free speech, because shutting down opinions, no matter how ill thought through or hostile, is still oppressive in principal. Instead, (my request, is to) encourage people to disregard and to not empower ill will towards others, as all that that kind of talk is, is a sign of insecurity and a poor sense of self, and all too often, a knee jerk emotive response with little thought behind it, or else some kind of mob rule bullying and group think behaviour.
What can you do about immaturity? Not a lot, really, we breed a never ending supply of immature individuals and we can certainly be that, ourselves.
The onus is on us to model mature behaviour and the key empowering virtue in combatting the unpleasant, belittling and hostile is DISCERNMENT.
Just my two cents, take it or leave it.