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Someone asked the OP if she had an official diagnosis and I did not see where she answered that.

It was me who mentioned the official diagnosis and to take the diagnostic report along to the next appointment. The OP said she planned to do that, which is definitely something I'd do :) (catch me on a bad day and the psych would be wearing the report) :D:D

I did seek an official diagnosis. Why did I do that? Was it to get accommodations or income supports? No. It was because humans are capable of greatly misleading/deceiving themselves, and I wanted an objective opinion.

That was among my reasons for seeking a diagnosis too. It simply wasn't enough for me to 'self diagnose' because I would not have been able to manage my feelings well if/when being on the receiving end of comments that the OP has been subjected to. I wanted the back up of hard evidence/proof.

It just so happens that I've needed that proof for work 'reasonable adjustments' which would not have been accommodated in the absence of a formal diagnosis.
I've always been pretty lucky in that any medical professional I've went to has been good with me and understanding of my needs.
This is strange, from what I read psychiatrists avoid prescribing ADHD medications like it'll murder them and their family. Though on another note, I think it's supposed to work differently.
I've also gotten the "it's just anxiety" bit, so it's not just women! It was the same doctor that told me I "just needed a girlfriend". :eek: Maybe psychiatrists shouldn't be allowed to use the word "just". :eek:
Find a new psychiatrist. If Asperger's was in the DSM (now ASD) as a diagnosis separate from OCD and PTSD, then there was a reason for it, and if you were diagosed with it, then there was a reason for that, too. She has no business overriding the diagnosis of another professional, that has to be respected whatever her opinion.
Thanks for everyone’s opinion. It was very upsetting and stressful and maybe I do need a new psychiatrist. It was like she didn’t believe Aspergers existed

Unfortunately this is always a possibility. A medical professional who chooses to "freelance" the entire process.

Reminding us all just how the process can be anything but uniform, let alone based on different diagnostic protocols. But in most cases it would seem those encountering such difficulties simply go on to secure their diagnosis through another doctor. Hang in there.
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Do you mean you’ve never been formally diagnosed?

Oh ive been formally diagnosed (Officially on paper) by a thural evaluation on every diagnose i say i have by certified psychologists :)

What i meant was that i was never given the opertunety to not take the evaluation it was just decided that its time again to do another one thru out my life. from 4 up to i belive my laitest was when i was 37 if i counted this correctly this is when they found my ASD and also when they said (statemnt from my written words of my then GOOD shrink ) " i have yet multible other diagnosis yet to be found. BUT due to the fact that the odds of finding them all is Signifacantly small. The effort of trying to find them isent worth it."

And i agree i have been evaluated all my life and im fed up with it i just accepted the fact that i have more diagnosis then on my papers (i alredy have 3 MAIN diagnosis 2 of them Severe so i dont need any more added in my papers
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so I went to my psychiatrist yesterday and she totally invalidated my Aspergers. She said that PTSD OCD and trauma overlap and it isn’t Aspergers that I have even though I know it is. She said it isn’t even in the diagnostic book anymore and most ppl that have Aspergers just have overlapped conditions not Aspergers. I highly disagree. I kept telling her my symptoms and trying to communicate what was wrong. She gave me ADHD meds and excused me. It was like she didn’t even hear me. I feel frustrated and invalidated. Has this happened to anyone else?

I think it is because there is no known meds for asperger/autism as far as i know. So there's no choice for the psychiatrist except than giving you meds for disorders that have meds. And a psychiatrist job is only to hear your word maybe less than 5 minutes then just prescribe you meds.

If you want to be heard, need to find psychologists specialized in autism. At least psychologists will try to listen to you for about 1 hour session, i think.

In my limited observation, psychiatrists just want you to get out of the room as fast as possible and just take the meds. I'm wary about the meds too because the side effects are quite strong depends on people. I am maybe wrong and too skeptical though.
Speaking for my self they have been trying to get me on meds most of my life but i have refused and will do so until i leave this earth. Ive learnt to deal with all my diagnosis and further more there isent much more that arent alredy broken so nothing more can get worse ( under normal circumstances that is ) + as been stated above the side effects for many of this so called drugs are tremndous in many cases (this said i dont say DONT take meds if it helps and if you need them do take them and by no means feel ashamed that you take them ) i only point out my personal views reg this subject
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All or pretty much all meds have some kind of side effects. If you and your doctor think that the benefits outweigh the cons, go for it if you can! If you are looking for natural healing processes, consider things like exercise, yoga, and meditation.

Even NTs consider going to other doctor(s) for opinions. If multiple doctors are giving the same opinion, then things are worth re-considering. You know yourself best though. The psychiatrist you have probably can't relate to you and doesn't get it.

There are so many facets that one doctor can't know it all or realize/understand certain possibilities. So, definitely "shop around" when you have to.
Some people should not be in the business of prescribing medications. I once saw a woman who accused me of lying to her when I told her that the medications she prescribed to me caused a nasty rash, and then in the same appointment, she outright fired me as a patient because she said it was clear I did not want what she had to offer. This was the kind of office where they saw people for less than five minutes, charged insurance (including Medicare/Medicaid) for a full hour worth of time for every one of these less-than-five-minute appointments, basically putting in the bare minimum amount of effort for the maximum amount of profit.

Sadly, people like that are the only option a lot of people in my state have for mental health treatment. Mental health treatment is dismal in Washington state, one of the worst in the country.
@Amanda Nyborg what country are you from? If you're from the states which means your doctor is using the DSM where Aspergers no longer exists.

Though it's dumb that she's disregarding the possibility of ASD-1 even if you are American.
@Amanda Nyborg what country are you from? If you're from the states which means your doctor is using the DSM where Aspergers no longer exists.

Though it's dumb that she's disregarding the possibility of ASD-1 even if you are American.
Yes I am from the United States and she didn’t mention it’s not in then DSM so therefore it doesn’t exist
Got to admit this thread really worries me. I've had my first test for an official diagnosis. I too want this as self-diagnosis is not enough (I score highly on the online tests). If I know for sure, I can maybe try to accept myself better & learn what or not to believe when dealing with others.

However, I was totally thrown as it involved none of these & was nothing like it. Instead I was asked questions about my childhood, school & life & made to play some really dumb childish games. I guess the motive is to see if I can plan a task etc. Which of course I can, I am not 5, I've got qualifications after all, that sort of takes planning! Very traumatic memories evoked too that I was just left to deal with.

My head felt like it was going to explode. I really don't like the unexpected at all! Afterwards, I couldn't stop fretting about it & got more & more worked up so knocked myself out for relief basically. Now I am just in a heightened sense of anxiety & fear and thinking I can't go back for the next stage. I don't understand how it could be so different from all the tests other people have said they had. I feel tricked. It literally was like it was designed for a 5 year old & I almost felt myself regressing. Stupid stupid stupid. I really don't want to put myself through it again now if this is how I feel afterwards :-/

One of the Mayor requirement for getting a ASD /ADHD etc... Diagnose is that you were born with it.

I cant say either one of the tests you have done so i will not but as you say the objektive in all this questions from youre childhood and so on and this simple games as you say and i agree that the motive is to see if you can plan a task etc and although it may seems childich the reason is when you are a child youre not fully developed so said games you can perform and grades of youre skills are lower. NOONE is after degrading you

Try to relax and dont over think this. You have done the first step. So now try to let that go and focus more on giving it youre best in the upcoming tests. And dont for second take this as they are trying to regress you to 5 year old. More or less i belive its all desinged to find out were you stand on the different criterias required for a diagnose.
Most psychiatrists are ignorant of autism and looking to push meds. You should find an autism specialist for help instead.
After what I've learned on here about others on the spectrum, and knowing what's in my own head.. I don't know how any other person, let alone an NT, could possibly tell you what is going on in your head with any certainty at all..
The person who's going to know you best is you. If you figure Asperger's fits you best, then that's who you are.
This is also why I decided pursuing a formal diagnosis for myself wasn't worth it.

I think you are right. I met with a psychologist who suggested that I need to pursue a full assessment from a neuropsychiatrist. Then today I met with a sleep specialist regarding my chronic insomnia, and she concluded I have high functioning autism causing hypersensitivity to light and sound.

Additionally she referred me for cognitive behavioral training to learn how to turn my brain off when I go to sleep. Then next week I meet with a psychiatrist for the sole purpose of being prescribed medication for anxiety and depression. The official diagnosis seems to be of secondary importance as every doctor I have seen believes I have ASD.

So, if I am getting the appropriate medication and am getting cognitive behavioral therapy, what do I really have to gain by requesting a full assessment from the psychiatrist? I am 61 years old and employed full-time. Getting an official diagnosis isn't going to benefit me at all. That is what I think.
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