I'm pretty impressed! "水平" is easily a 2nd/3rd year college Mandarin course term. I always found it fascinating how simple characters combine to give meaning to more complex things, sometimes in a funny way:
同学:请问 "turkey" 在中文叫社么?
老师:"fire chicken"
BTW, I believe that "还是..." would be preferred over "还有..." but if there's one thing I'm bad at it's explaining language.
哪里哪里。你太过奖了。我同意。汉字有很多历史意义。"好好学习 天天向上.“..你知道毛将军说过这个吗? 还有, 你知道 ”你吃了吗“ comes from a time in south china where people did not have much food to eat.
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