There are a lot of families who have this type of dynamic where children to do not make their own decisions for many things. There are all kinds of reasons for this- being overprotected, lack of knowledge of either parents' or child's part, culture, personalities. Usually, all of these play a role at the same time to some degree. Is this a dynamic you would be willing to deal with with someone else? I think it is possible for people in this dynamic to deal with it well, but it is also possible it holds them back from considering you as a person because you are a person. It is possible to be okay with a pre-nuptial and for things to work out as they are, or possibly some kind of setup where your partner is paying his/her share until both of you have equally contributed to the home.
Even I, myself, are in this dynamic to some degree. It's been a hard balance with the rest of life. Mostly balancing emotional for me.