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Is Heaven for God's benefit, the person's benefit or both?


Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member
Is Heaven something to benefit God, the people who exist in Heaven or both?

Benefitting God: To think that (having people in) Heaven is a benefit for/to God is weird because it's not something that God needs. God having a need or even a desire would connote something being deficient or lacking of which, God has neither.

Benefitting the person in Heaven: Obviously every person's life experience on Earth is different. There are people that suffer tremendously and have an overall agonizing life. However, it's probably safe to say that for most people, their life experience is moderate (ie has both "ups" and "downs"). I would put myself in this category. We don't know for sure if there are other planets in the Universe that have intelligent life and are as lush and unique as planet Earth. It's possible that Earth is such a universal anomaly that it's incomprehensibly rare and special and that life on Earth for the majority of people is by definition, winning THE most amazing "lottery" in the Universe. If Heaven was for the benefit of the individual, wouldn't each person's idea of Heaven be different? For example, if I was given a choice of living my life as it is currently and at the age I currently am for eternity or...choosing an ethereal concept of biblical Heaven...I would pick my Heaven as my life now. Given that Earth is insanely unique, beautiful and priceless, it actually seems offensive and greedy for me to want something different, more, "better", etc.

Benefitting both God and people in Heaven: See both points above.
But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him.
1st Corinthians 2:9 KJV
But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him.
1st Corinthians 2:9 KJV

I would humbly settle for my life on Earth as my "Heaven". I can't really grasp the concept that wanting "perfect eternal bliss" is something that should be strived for over and above truly appreciating and loving this life we've been given on this planet Earth.
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You can accept God's gift of eternal life and still be grateful for the things He has provided you with in this life.
Very, very long theological discussion cut short - heaven is not a "reward" or some static state of everlasting happiness. You go to heaven because you want and made the choice to be with Jesus. No more, no less.

Heaven is a state of serving Jesus for eternity in the New Earth. We will all still have jobs, roles, growth, etc.

Basically think of this life as a tutorial run for a video game. The purpose of the tutorial is to decide if you want to keep playing the game or not. In this case, the "game" being eternity with Jesus.
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I agree with your assessment of unique and beneficial to the individual, Based on 1000s of NDE studies,they have concluded that almost all experiences are rendered completely to the individual.I have been reading for about a year on this subject. And what I have found is almost all experiences of NDE are very positive, personal ,and our language is not capable of describing it to the fullest only what we can comprehend which is minimal at best .

Consider this concept -Everyone experiences life in our own way. Our perception of experience and existence can only be seen by the individual . We can explain our life to others but that is all it is just words, there is no possible way yet scientifically that we can completely experience life as someone else, not even close to the full experience. All we have is our interpretation what is shown and told. either way it is still fragmented information.

So why would Death be any different. Doesn’t make sense that all of the sudden we experience the next layer of existence as what someone else interprets it should be. Nothing in the universe is in a straight line. We are no different.

Just my opinion.
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I agree with your assessment of unique and beneficial to the individual, Based on 1000s of NDE studies,they have concluded that almost all experiences are rendered completely to the individual.I have been reading for about a year on this subject. And what I have found is almost all experiences of NDE are very positive, personal ,and our language is not capable of describing it to the fullest only what we can comprehend which is minimal at best .

Consider this concept -Everyone experiences life in our own way. Our perception of experience and existence can only be seen by the individual . We can explain our life to others but that is all it is just words, there is no possible way yet scientifically that we can completely experience life as someone else, not even close to the full experience. All we have is our interpretation what is shown and told. either way it is still fragmented information.

So why would Death be any different. Doesn’t make sense that all of the sudden we experience the next layer of existence as what someone else interprets it should be. Nothing in the universe is in a straight line. We are no different.

Just my opinion.
Imam Hussein (as) was expected to make handshake and yield to the leader in the corrupt government. As all governments are corrupt, at least previosly.

He said: A man is a Word. A man's Honor is a word. God is a word. etc... (he meant he can't say the word and make an agreement with the corrupt leader, Yazid i think).

Then pretty soon he was Murdered but not forgotten. A few days ago i heard he was memorized in Russia. .. unlike most leaders he'll not be forgotten.

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