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Is It Bad That I Watch Preschool Shows?

Here's my odd take on it:

A lot of so-called "mature adults" will sit in front of the TV, and they'll specifically watch basic, braindead sitcoms or whatever... the type of "funny" show where they need a laugh track to tell them when it's time to giggle, and the jokes are predictable and every time the laugh track does happen, all the characters just sort of pause awkwardly. Or they'll watch "reality" shows, I dont even need to explain the problem there.

If anything, these "preschool shows" you want to watch are a bit high-brow compared to that drivel.

In other words, go for it.
Lol I totally agree ^^ Seinfeld was super boring after I'd already finished it years ago, same with Friends! Cartoons and animated media can be better and more creative. If anything, I'd make one myself.

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