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Is it possible to get pregnant during menopause

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well me and my husband has agreed his best friend live with us and can also be intimate with me and we all consent to it

being so iv never got pregnant by my husband before(my son is from a different man many years ago).i thought it would be safe with his friend but i seem to got pregnant so we are sure the baby is his but we will do a dna test anyway just to make sure
my husband has never had children so he is excited even tho the baby likely isnt his biologically but he is so excited

so my baby will have 2 dads

there i know some people are going to judge but we looked into it and read its not illegal as long as your all consenting adults and we are

thats the story
well me and my husband has agreed his best friend live with us and can also be intimate with me and we all consent to it

being so iv never got pregnant by my husband before(my son is from a different man many years ago).i thought it would be safe with his friend but i seem to got pregnant so we are sure the baby is his but we will do a dna test anyway just to make sure
my husband has never had children so he is excited even tho the baby likely isnt his biologically but he is so excited

so my baby will have 2 dads

there i know some people are going to judge but we looked into it and read its not illegal as long as your all consenting adults and we are

thats the story
I'm glad you found the courage to out your story.
ive been crying all night and i dont often ever cry
my husband and his friend are there to support me
Abd my son said he will help too as he wants to take out a mortgage on the house when he earns and saves up enough money
He is training to be a vet

i was going to get the baby adopted when its born but im having second thoughts now

i think i can go through with having a baby

i have a doctor appointment later so i will find out more and the due date ect
You don't have to do it just for the social pressure and judgement in the world. It's your decision ultimately if you want a child at this time and can mentally, physically and financially support it.

The traditional stigma on abortion is only a stigma.

There's no shame in thinking it through.
im just feeling the emotions i dont normally feel
i dont want to cry though because it runs my mascara and i cant bear not to wear it

my first born was a miracle and is the most precious thing to me but this new baby will be just as precious to me
normally i dont have empathy but I do have a motherly instinct somewhere that makes me want to protect my babies by instinct
That instinct is true even of antinatalists like me. We are all human after all.
appointment confirmed im pregnant for definite
its been 18 years since i was last pregnant

its due in february so im a few months gone already i think
they reckon it might be a boy but not certain so i will find out gender at my next appointment

How many weeks are you?
How did they "reckon" it was a boy without an ultrasound?
I know you were upset with me for offering to support you in the past.

My offer stands if you want to message me about pregnancy, or for any other type of support.
Polyamory is common, and becoming normalized in most of the US, and a lot of Europe. I certainly will not judge you. Most people, I think, under the age of 40, would not judge.
Polyamory is common, and becoming normalized in most of the US, and a lot of Europe. I certainly will not judge you. Most people, I think, under the age of 40, would not judge.
i know a lot of people will find it gross tho
but his friend is a lonely bachelor now and retired and instead of he and my husband fighting over me we all just agreed to both love me
yes im that desirable apparently
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