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Is it weird that I'm great at sports?

I used to be good at judo which I think is strange. In the dojo, I was somewhat graceful in my movement - quick and light on my feet with fast reflexes. For a year, I was even a competition judo fighter. However, outside of the dojo, I was an uncoordinated person who lacked fine motor skills, struggled with their handwriting (still do), couldn't catch or throw a ball properly (still happens) and tripped over their own feet.
This is wonderful that you are gifted athletically! That's really super for you!

I'm a klutz who can do a face-plant on a totally flat surface. Eerily, I had zero awareness of anyone on any sports team I ever tried to be on, I saw only the ball, not any of the other players. Kinda spectrum-y, I guess.

With my morning T'ai chi, however, everything just somehow flows. My clumsiness melts away, and I just flow easily through my form. Happy me.

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