My honest opinion is that in the past, we didn't get diagnosed with anything unless we really needed the help, which was generally reserved for lower functioning individuals.
We were just considered geeks, freaks, loners, eccentric, etc.
Technically, when asperger's was still a valid assessment, which fortunately it no longer is, I would not have made the cut because the parameters were different then.
What I really think is that the use of the labels has become more mainstream, and now that you are aware that your condition has a name, you like too many others use it as an excuse for failure instead of finding your strengths as those of us that went undiagnosed and found our own successes did in our past.
Do yourself a favor and drop the "I'm a failure because I'm aspie" thinking and focus on the "I'm yet another human being who is looking for my opportunity to arrive" mindset.
It will take you a whole lot further to develop a positive outlook instead of your present negative one and it's close association to a psych label.
Negativity is an excavator that can dig very deep holes that can and will entrap you if you let them. Positivity can be used as a ladder to escape them if you happen to end up down in one. Or, if you are sharp enough, avoid them altogether.