Having contracted two blood born infections while in hospital I can say it is all too common. While in that hospital I also developed a blood clot in my left leg and that may have been involved in the TIA that I experienced; which almost ended my life ( I remember nothing of what went on between the time I lost consciousness and regaining it [ ~ 24 hrs. later] ). I found out that I had been as close to death as any one can come and still be themselves after regaining consciousness and the ability to speak (intubation makes that difficult ). Loved ones were told that I was unresponsive and might not survive, but here I am.You are probably more likely to die of infection in the hospital from what l have read.
I have had more than a few surgeries in my lifetime, Each requiring some form of anesthetic. Most recently Fentanyl for a colonoscopy. Each time it was like a light switch turning ME off. It was not like sleep; no dreaming, no sense of time or place; a short bit of disorientation upon the light being turned on again. That is how I see death; the light switch goes to the off position and breaks off. I do not dwell on it anymore having been as close to death as you can come, and still be here and yourself, several times now. Worrying about it
is only inhibitory.