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Is there a name for the imaginary internal worlds we tend to retreat into?

Yes, spend many many hours there. Always have. But haven't heard a overall term.

So we can invent one! I vote for 'The Holodeck' ;)

I understand it’s common for Autistic people to have rich, detailed worlds in their minds.

Is there an official or formal name for them?

Perusing this thread indicates a hard, "no". That confirms that we do it to an unusual degree not shared by the 68.2% defining "normal". There is a concurrent discussion on the 'Thinking in Pictures" thread touching on this as well.

I call it my 'inner universe' because my

"behind the eyes" experience is no less than the "beyond the eyes" vision of the shared universe.

Both are infinity (and beyond)

Terrific graphic, @tree! I LVE my OCD, ADHA, & curiosity
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So yeah, I'm not exactly sure what to make of internal stuff. I personally need to balance it with reality, while other people like my friend practically live in their own heads

I think we all try to balance our need to get along in the NT world with our ND selves to whatever degree we can and/or whatever degree we are able. And in each world we all seem to find supporters and detractors. Which means, to me, what is left that is truly all my own is my inner world.

The only "rules" are self imposed and I can use that world to explore "what ifs" and uncover my own covert sabotage of my own happiness. Just such a "what if" led me to discover my own autisim.

Human beings have free will and are creators. Yet all too often we utilize neither. A musican may only be the player of anothers notes, or use their skill to explore and express feeling, colors, objects and sound so that others may share that expression. Do you agree? Take that idea and expand upon it in any direction you wish.
My inner space is freedom from people trying to run their agendas on me. I need a place to escape. I can view past memories like in a screening room. I visit with those that have carried over, animals, relatives. Run scenarios from childhood to pick up on things that l missed. Sometimes l visit to see if any answers to my future. Right now l am waiting for something to move on so l am seeking guidance for myself. Also my inner world is a place l can think about storyline plots and sift from all the movies l have watched.

I am insulated there. Nobody can touch me. I move with my wall of fantasy and wrap it around me when l go out to ignore those who have no rich tapestry in their life to draw on.
Human beings have free will and are creators. Yet all too often we utilize neither. A musican may only be the player of anothers notes, or use their skill to explore and express feeling, colors, objects and sound so that others may share that expression. Do you agree? Take that idea and expand upon it in any direction you wish.

I'm not sure I'm on topic here, but you comment struck a chord with me. Specifically regarding a musician playing another's notes. I have mentioned on this forum many times that I have a life long obsession to design electronic circuits. My career has been to design electronics to be manufactured for a client. While that is gratifying to a degree, but manufacturing is basically playing another's notes or like an artist painting-by-numbers. I have always wanted to build my own design as a work of art, not something to be manufactured for business. I got a taste of that in 1973 when I designed and built a very unique audio amplifier (still in daily use). But, due to career and life being in the way, I could not continue pursuing that dream. Finally, I have retired in order to again pursue my obsession. So, I started a "business" to do just that. It's not a "real" business for making money, just for making happiness for me. I call it Electric Perfection.
I am working on designs in my head practically all the time. It is my escape dream world. So, I guess this is my "dream world" being materialized.

Mine is mostly the same as the outer world, but in it I'm still an ND, and have some better people in my circle.
Psychologists refer to it as Fantasy-Prone Personality.

To a psych, we are all sick and should just be like the 68.2%. Psychs have done extreme harm to the world by pathologizing being gay, having a cognitive delay, or any syndrome. They have been merciless on autistics. They built the institutions, developed the tests to fill them, and then had fun with lobotomies*. Before 1920, a husband could institutionalize his wife just because - and the psychs would be happy to oblige.

*I worked for someone who was a peer mentor to people who communicated using Facilitated Communication. One had been instituted since toddlerhood. They had their body broken over and over with abuse until crippled. It was a horror of human depravity fully supported by the APA.
Psychologists refer to it as Fantasy-Prone Personality.
I agree with QuestJan.
The world actually runs on imagination. Every launguage, maths, science, art, music,writing,war, argiculture etc, andd even phychology,would not be possible if humans didn't wander about their own minds.
Allegedly most people have no 'inner' life, apparently. How flat and dull their lives must be. No wonder they're intensely focused on the social and it's micro aggressions - they got nothing else going on between their ears.
To a psych, we are all sick and should just be like the 68.2%. Psychs have done extreme harm to the world by pathologizing being gay, having a cognitive delay, or any syndrome. They have been merciless on autistics. They built the institutions, developed the tests to fill them, and then had fun with lobotomies*. Before 1920, a husband could institutionalize his wife just because - and the psychs would be happy to oblige.

*I worked for someone who was a peer mentor to people who communicated using Facilitated Communication. One had been instituted since toddlerhood. They had their body broken over and over with abuse until crippled. It was a horror of human depravity fully supported by the APA.

You’re making a sweeping generalization here, though. The things you mentioned happened in the past. Psychiatry does have a very, very dark history, truly…but we’re not lobotomizing anyone anymore or dunking them in cold water, etc. Judging a field of study based on things that happened in the past doesn’t make sense, and smacks of cancel culture. Every psychologist approaches autism differently as well. I’ve never met one who sneeringly declared that her patients must all be like 68.2% of the population, or any percentage.

Fantasy-Prone Personality isn’t meant as an insult or judgement. I’m not sure how you jumped to that conclusion? It’s simply a noted personality trait. It’s no more an insult than the ideas of introversion and extroversion.

I think perhaps you’ve had a bad experience with a psychologist that has made you very upset?
On one hand, completely agree with you and one the other, the opposite direction. Of course no one has to care, just my opinion. I agree that the Psychs have done extreme harm on many levels - they can have an “opinion” and it’s treated like gold yet all it is is their opinion and we all know what those are like. Like you said, they are going on what they consider NT yet they could be the one’s that need the lobotomy!
I don't have a name for mine either but I'm glad to see a lot of us have the same experience! I like to think of it as my soul's home, where I can go and retreat in order to heal emotionally and spiritually. That way when I'm ready to go back into the world again I feel like I'm prepared.
Perusing this thread indicates a hard, "no". That confirms that we do it to an unusual degree not shared by the 68.2% defining "normal". There is a concurrent discussion on the 'Thinking in Pictures" thread touching on this as well.

I call it my 'inner universe' because my

"behind the eyes" experience is no less than the "beyond the eyes" vision of the shared universe.

Both are infinity (and beyond)

NTs daydream, too. Some do it to the point it interferes with life.
Have you ever seen the episode of Star Trek: Voyager where The Doctor puts daydreaming subroutines into his program and it causes him to malfunction? It's pretty funny. He has a very well documented crush on Seven of Nine, and some of the situations that ensue aren't appropriate for this forum, but I suggest you look it up on YouTube.

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