Hi, Russ03. Welcome!
So far you have received armchair diagnoses from several people who probably are not qualified even to do armchair diagnosis, let alone professional diagnosis.
All the things you describe could equally well be another half dozen or more things. It does sound like you are having trouble coping and managing your emotional life.
You've mentioned when you feel a bit better you decide not to get help, but the cyclicity of your experience ought to teach you that it's a mere matter of time before you feel worse. So get help. Get a mental health evaluation and a therapist. Be open to the fact that not all therapists are great for all people, but that being said, it's not a reason to shun therapy, just a reason to be a savvy consumer of services.
People here will be happy to act as a sounding board as you experience the unfamiliar moments of therapy and of living, but we can't cure you and it seems like you can't, either. Get help. Best of luck, and don't be a stranger!
Thankyou for the reply, ill be sure to take everything with a grain of salt but still go seek the professional help that I need. Thats a relly interesting wway of looking at it, ill try to open up more and be open. All the best to you too.