"constant tiredness, aches and pains here and there"
Maybe some thoughts and some general 'folk' medicine?
Most of us are really not happy with our bodies. All of us, not just Aspies. We want to be taller or shorter, slimmer, sexier or better muscled. We see others do things we can only envy but do not know what they envy about us or at least the others around them. I think of my body as being a lot like having an old car: some rust and a lot of rattles, needs a lot of maintenance and repair, looks bad, but it gets me there and a new car or body is not a practical thing.
Constant tiredness? Are you really getting enough sleep? Beyond sleep, young women need a lot of iron, are usually anemic. Young women tend to eat very poor diets (diet is everything you stuff in that hole in your face!!!). Iron can be had from a lot of veggies in your diet or multi-vitamin pills.
Take some calcium with Vitamin D and some other necessary minerals: Time out in the sun will do for the vitamin D; proper diet for the rest including milk-- if you are lactose intolerant, there are other foods that can provide calcium. Google Search it some. Last ditch: a calcium tablet with included vitamin D and some other associated minerals. Calcium tablets are a backup or "insurance" item. Some research will explain about most of us, especially women, need more calcium but in a form and with other things to make it useful.
You might try a cheap little bottle of vitamin B-100 (this is a collection of 'B' vitamins at a nominal strength of 100 units of each) from the grocery store pharmacy area shelves. Most of those things for sale as vitamins/food supplements are useless or undesirable or serve a purpose only for specific problems and then not very well. Excess 'B' vitamins will wash out of you very quickly. The Vitamin B-100 is iffy but might help. Some of those 'B' vitamins help your heart and circulation, one makes your blood taste bad to mosquitoes, the collection can help with depression.
The 'D' vitamin can build up in your body. What you get from a calcium tablet and enriched foods will not usually be any problem but be careful about any pills that are pure 'D' vitamin.
A 'C' vitamin might help if there is a problem or need. Mostly this is needed for older folk. Might not hurt to take in the fall and mid-winter cold and flu season.
"Vinegar Therapy" is quite popular around the world. In the United States it is Apple Cider Vinegar. Japan likes specific rice wine vinegars. Google it for fun? Fresh lemon juice is probably best but lemons can be expensive? The juice of a whole lemon every day or a couple of tablespoons of vinegar each day. Citric acid is good for you in small quantities. It is not an instant fixer, but can help over a significant length of time. My daily vinegar regimen is a shot glass brim full of apple cider vinegar diluted in a full glass of water. Try to keep it off your teeth: the acid is very hard on your tooth enamel. After, rinse with and swallow some more water to help get the vinegar taste and acid out of your mouth. That amount of vinegar is all I can stand. Much less should be fine. Or take it in smaller amounts several times a day? That shot-glass of vinegar if taken straight will knock you back as intensely as any straight shot of Rot-Gut whiskey!!
An infomercial (on the car radio) that was selling high-dollar vitamins said that the Vitamin D (see above) and Fish Oil (Omega-3) was a good combo. You might try some Fish Oil but be careful what you pay and what you are buying. The best I have found is a grocery store brand that has 1200 mg of Omega-3 per tablet and is the cheapest brand on the shelf. Note that I take the stuff because my Doctor insists (3 capsules every day-- Gag!!): for my very high cholesterol. It after-tastes bad for hours. Best to take it when hungry with a little water and about 10 to 15 minutes before a meal. Usually that helps reduce the aftertaste.
I take a Beta Carotene tablet every day and I think it helps my vision. But then, I am almost as old as Time. Macular Degeneration is a consideration for me.
If you try any of these vitamins/food supplements, note that price and other sales/marketing noise is irrelevant and just a gimmick. Look at several stores for the least expensive with all the ingredients in the pills. Try them for one bottle or one month; see what you think. Drop out for a month, then try them again for a month. Then, if you think you are benefiting, continue. Otherwise, stop wasting money.