That would be a lot better than eating factory farmed products. However, research I have seen has shown that vegan diet is healthier than the average diet if done properly, and that it can meet all our dietary needs. I would place more faith on specific studies rather than our natural diet. I had been vegan for many years without issue and only recently started eating certain bivalves as they are not sentient (no brain). I don't like the taste, and I'll admit part of me did it to piss off uncritical, dogmatic vegans
You might want to consider doing the same thing. I wish I could be a hermit for 6 months or so before returning to the world. Good luck 
I don't hate you at all. But I would ask, if their values led to them harming others would you be as tolerant, or does tolerance depended on how harmful their practices are? E.g. would you be as tolerant of those who support war crimes? I would think not. If tolerance of other views differs depending on the views then what is tolerable for some will not be tolerable for others given our different opinions on things.

Calibar, I agree that "factory farming" is really disgusting. Personally, I am making plans to be a self-sufficient hermit who will own chickens and ducks for meat and eggs and treat them well, and kill them as humanely as possible. My grandfather (long dead by now) told me all about how awful factory farming is, and showed me how to raise and kill a chicken humanely. Even though he hated Jews, he said that the kosher way to kill an animal is probably the most humane method devised by man. The problem is, even the kosher meat industry has become "industrialized" and Jews can no longer be certain that kosher meat is truly kosher. The only real way to ensure the humaneness of meat is to raise it yourself or buy from local small scale ranchers who treat and kill their animals as humanely as possible. Humans have been eating meat for at least 300,000 years, before Homo Sapiens Sapiens even arrived on the planet in its present form. I have read about evidence of cooking animals being found in a cave in what is now Israel, the hearth was at least 300k years old. Our tooth structure is meant to eat cooked meat according to paleoarcheologists. The herbivorous theory of man simply doesn't hold up. People who have tried strictly herbivorous diets tend to wind up sickly and emaciated.
I don't hate you at all. But I would ask, if their values led to them harming others would you be as tolerant, or does tolerance depended on how harmful their practices are? E.g. would you be as tolerant of those who support war crimes? I would think not. If tolerance of other views differs depending on the views then what is tolerable for some will not be tolerable for others given our different opinions on things.
I hear what you're saying.
If it's any condolence to you, I wouldn't eat a dog or a cat.
I do think the way animals are treated is wrong, and tbh if I think about what I'm eating and how it got there, I don't really feel like eating it anymore. I have to not think about it.
I will not be stoning any protestors. People can do what they wish. I don't hate vegans or hold anything against them. For example, I hate Trump, but I don't say to people "I hate you because you voted for Trump." They are entitled to their own values and opinions.