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It get upset, revolted, appalled, repulsed and sad when people call humans monkeys

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Re: It get upset, revolted, appalled, repulsed and sad when people call humans monkey

Homo sapiens belong to the family of primates. The difference between us and a chimp is minimal. So, in response to the OP: No it doesn't repulse me, but it makes me want to correct the person saying it, a monkey isn't a primate.

It's a bit like saying a whale is a fish.
Re: It get upset, revolted, appalled, repulsed and sad when people call humans monkey

One last quote - "I'd rather be a rising ape than a fallen angel." Terry Pratchett. ---- Just a simple animal who managed to as a species elevate to a new level of consciousness and thus become technological and capable of physically IMPROVING the environment that spawned it.
Re: It get upset, revolted, appalled, repulsed and sad when people call humans monkey

The reason a fish doesn't evolve into an earthling is because the process is exploded across a VERY long time, they study it in the many generations of bacterial life who have a short life cycle. maybe when humans have all killed themselves off another species like a fish could start walking the earth, then become technological and try its hand at improving the planet, or figure out some way to keep surviving even once the planet's solar system has been destroyed by the death of its sun.
Re: It get upset, revolted, appalled, repulsed and sad when people call humans monkey

This is my final message, after that, I'll leave this thread for good.

It's almost like Pan threatens me to believe that HER WAYS are the only right ones, but GUESS WHAT?

I live in a democratic country, ergo, I have my full right to state my opinions, HOW I want it, WHEN I want it.
Re: It get upset, revolted, appalled, repulsed and sad when people call humans monkey

If It's true, monkeys evolved form a being in the sea which arrived on shore, but here's the question - if the evolution is true, then why haven't scientists figured out how they can make fish go on shore and become an earthling?

What also puzzles me is that It's impossible that a fish can evolve into an earthling, because fish can't breathe above sea level.

There are such things as amphibians - Creatures that can breathe both in water and out of it.
Re: It get upset, revolted, appalled, repulsed and sad when people call humans monkey

And there are indeed fish that gulp air and are obligated to do so, such as tarpons. Lungfish also breathe air (and are lobe-finned, descendants of the same lineage that gave rise to terrestrial vertebrates). Pulling oxygen out of the air is actually easy compared to pulling it out of the water. Fish gills are far more efficient structures than human lungs for this reason.

Whales and fishes are not very closely related as the former are mammals (in fact, they are considered to be in the same order as the even-toed hoofed mammals such as deer and cows and giraffes) and the later are, well, fishes.

Monkeys and apes all belong to the same order of Primates. I recognize the close relationship of humans to other apes and the less close relationship to monkeys. For this reason, I am interested in rodents - I have little interest in studying humans or our relatives.
Re: It get upset, revolted, appalled, repulsed and sad when people call humans monkey

This is my final message, after that, I'll leave this thread for good.

It's almost like Pan threatens me to believe that HER WAYS are the only right ones, but GUESS WHAT?

I live in a democratic country, ergo, I have my full right to state my opinions, HOW I want it, WHEN I want it.

It's not about my ways. I never decided this. I'm talking about scientific facts and biology not opinions.
Re: It get upset, revolted, appalled, repulsed and sad when people call humans monkey

It's not about my ways. I never decided this. I'm talking about scientific facts and biology not opinions.
Here is my opinion also:

a fact is something learned by studying and thinking. an opinion is when you speculate there could more facts by making different types of observations under different circumstances.

freedom of speech is not about freedom to make up one's own facts. being democratic means being able to look at facts, understand them, and then contribute to what's best for everyone given those facts.


sadly it seems like this thinking democracy ideal has been lost in the transition of generations in some democracies (transforming into weak individualism in which we all feel entitled to state our opinions, and this trait is elevated far above the act of actually EXERCISING our brains), and i hope that the increased freedom of information that has been unlocked by the internet will catalyze the shift back to free thinking democracy instead of the propaganda-reliant two party setups.
Re: It get upset, revolted, appalled, repulsed and sad when people call humans monkey

I'm not going to lock this thread, but here is a notice for everyone still wanting to debate;

Thank you!
Re: It get upset, revolted, appalled, repulsed and sad when people call humans monkey

hjasshj, was it really necessary to post five times in a row?

Personally, I wouldn't mind everything living being blown asunder to be honest, I'm fed up with living like this, I'm filth to the bone.

I've also been "slightly" unable to feel joy.

I've also noticed that my turn-on on humans have turned off instead.

I can't understand any of this.

I'm unable to plan tactics while playing videogames lately since I've been told this.

I am genuinely lost for words here.

It's almost like Pan threatens me to believe that HER WAYS are the only right ones, but GUESS WHAT?

I don't see how PanPaniscus is threating you within this thread. If so, then please point it out to me.

I live in a democratic country, ergo, I have my full right to state my opinions, HOW I want it, WHEN I want it.

This is the Internet. Not a democratic country. You are entitled to state your opinions in a constructive manner and in accordance with our rules only.

Now then, I would like everyone to just chill out. If anyone wants to debate then please do so in a constructive and sensible manner.
Re: It get upset, revolted, appalled, repulsed and sad when people call humans monkey

The quicker I forget about people like Pan and this, the better.

Pan and people who have similiar ideas can try and try to get heir opinions out, they will fail, they're just aspies who live in aspie-hating countries anyway, so I can laugh at them as much as I'd like.

Monkey DNA is pure, 100% ultimate filth, remove the filthy DNA and replace it with better material, and on top of it all, I would remove all science on humans and monkeys that exists, I'm also surprised why people doesn't get upset by people downgrading them to a lower level, like that of monkeys, I don't want to or accept being downgraded to a monkey, I just follow my instinct and heart, and remember humans are the only species on the world who can acknowledge their sins and don't go to Hell.

I'm just enjoying the fact that people I argue with are likely to get physically harmed in the future, and since they're aspies, their ideas won't get published, but mine will, since my countrymen are extremely generous towards people like me, aspies, and by the way, facts are also that the Japanese and Asians don't show so much evidence of descending form Neanderthals, and the facts are also that God and Jesus Christ exist, but they only show towards people who have a very deep desire to see them, my 66 year odl grandmother, like me, is a Christian, she's wise and knowledgeable, yet she's a strict Christian, and there was a 58-60 year old man in Norway who had a traumatic childhood consisting of a violent and abusive drinker of a father, he was bullied in school etc. etc., and, at age 20, he met Jesus, and he wasn't insane or anything, really smart too, not retarded, he had an IQ of 150 if I remember correctly.

A good thing is that people from poor countries like Moldova and f.ex will never know all of this, because of their lack in media, and facts aren't always true either, I believe that some facts must be erased forever, and remember the thing about Christianity? It's a fact, yet some people claims It's not, I myself believe that the DNA thing between monkeys and humans is wrong, I'm actually surprised that humans enjoy being called monkeys and apes, that it doesn't downgrade them, It's the same as calling an ugly person a freak that needs to be skinned alive.

And i*m not kidding when I say I want my DNA removed.
Re: It get upset, revolted, appalled, repulsed and sad when people call humans monkey

Wait wait wait...why can't a human just try to mate with a monkey or a so-called APE?

They have the DNA, so mating should WORK!!!

If it works, I believe they're related to each other.

If it DOESN'T...I'll separate them for good, and label monkeys as monkeys, humans as humans etc.
Re: It get upset, revolted, appalled, repulsed and sad when people call humans monkey

IN any case, humans are somehow the ultimate beings so far, I can't name so many more better beings.
Re: It get upset, revolted, appalled, repulsed and sad when people call humans monkey

I think it's quite a nice idea to be a result of millions of years of evolution and to go through so many little changes to make us what we are now. And also the apes and monkeys to be what they are now, like what Darwin said "there's grandeur in this view of life"
And I'd rather be part of a certain "family" than seperate and isolated from the rest of nature.
Re: It get upset, revolted, appalled, repulsed and sad when people call humans monkey

People should have figured out a way on how to evolve apes into humans in that case.
Re: It get upset, revolted, appalled, repulsed and sad when people call humans monkey

Pan DID somehow threaten me, she said that I SHOULD believe that humans are apes or something, that's a threat, forcing somoene to believe something else that doesn't quite match with how your view on things is.
Re: It get upset, revolted, appalled, repulsed and sad when people call humans monkey

Pan DID somehow threaten me, she said that I SHOULD believe that humans are apes or something, that's a threat, forcing somoene to believe something else that doesn't quite match with how your view on things is.

I never said should. I was just telling you what the technical categories are and stuff. That's not a threat.
You're actually using personal attacks against me not the other way round.
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