Hello, my name is Dee. I am not only new to this forum but also to the neuro-diverse community. After years of dealing with anxiety ridden emotional outbursts, wondering why I can't make/keep friends, feeling like such an outsider doing anything social (and more...), I finally decided to research. I knew little to nothing about Aspergers before and I was shocked to find how closely I can relate to those who have AS/HFA.
I don't have a diagnosis yet but I am going to speak with my GP in a couple weeks to see if I can get an official diagnosis, or at least a step in the right direction. Of course, I am worried that I am just convincing myself that something if wrong with me.
I hope I can learn more about myself and others in this new, and kind of intimidating realm (as I am not super familiar with online forums.) So bear with me, and my shyness
and thanks in advance!