One thing that really helped me come to terms with things and make sense of my experiences was firstly reading The Complete Guide To Asperger's Syndrome by Tony Attwood (a free PDF if the link works for you in your area) and then Look Me In The Eye: My Life with Asperger's by John Elder Robison (which is also a free PDF if the link works for you in your area).
The Complete Guide To Asperger's book allowed me to get my head round all my developmental and adult psychological differences, and explained pretty much everything about the difference between autistic and non autistic people and gave loads of workarounds, anecdotes and other sources for information.
I have that book, too. I actually bought it originally when one of my kids was diagnosed. I think there is still so much we don't know about ASD, yet having said that Attwood's book is fairly comprehensive and can help to understand yourself, the way you think, the issues you encounter. It can also help to understand others you meet who are on the spectrum but who will, invariably, not be identical to you in presentation.
I've got Robison on my to read list