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It's so complicated, LIFE

Well Kempy, I am well aware that something is bothering him but unless he tells us what specifically it is then we can't really do much to help. I asked him in a nice way what the problem was and he responded telling everyone in the thread to F-off. So, you tell me how I'm supposed to help him? If he doesn't want our help, then why continually bring up the subject of life being crap or w/e? 

As for sympathy, I doubt that will help his problems much. I also know that everyone telling him to stay positive (as referenced in is initial post) won't help matters either. So hence I tried to get to the specific problem to offer my support. I am still here to offer support if Michael changes his mind, provided that he doesn't snap at me or anyone else. I hold no grudges towards him and understand the reasoning for his insult/snap/w.e post. 

It may appear to some that I took deep offense to that particular post, as you can't show emotions or feelings through text easily, I assure those that is not the case.
I'm going out with some people from my school today. I dont know if they're playing me along or what though. I want to call her to make absolutely sure but she'd probably get a bit bored of me if I did that. Now Im anxious.
I agree with what Kempy is saying, this topic however seems to be going out of subject and I think we should just leave the argument about moderating from there... It does seem to be going a little tweenie weenie bit out of hand. <_<

Here's something that might cheer you up. :)
A good old stand up comedy is good for a cheering up. :D
I'm going out with some people from my school today. I dont know if they're playing me along or what though. I want to call her to make absolutely sure but she'd probably get a bit bored of me if I did that. Now Im anxious.

Well now, that's more like it.

Could you text/email/IM her instead of calling?
OK. We went out. It was fun. we went back out at 8. It went ****ing awfully...there were about FIVE people. I went ****ing stupid on them and was quiet for ages and then I started doing random ****. And now they think I'm a ****ing freak. ****.
Good to hear that you did manage to have some fun then, at least towards the start.

Do you know for certain that is what they think of you or are you just assuming that? Many teenagers do random/silly stuff in social situations when there's nothing else to really do.
I actually agree with what Calvert is saying about teens... after all Michael, we're still pretty young and I actually do random/silly stuff in social situations anyways. :lol:

The more older we get, they won't really care as such about those things.

They wouldn't of understood how you felt and I assume they don't know about you having Aspergers.

but remember, sometimes, being different is a good thing, I know it is for me, just don't let it get to you, be strong about it.

- superboyian
I dont even know if it's friends I want anymore. I still feel like ****. Will anything lift this darkness ?

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