Ignoring negative emotions and trying to get rid of them is just as destructive as dwelling on them and letting them consume us.
This sums it up nicely for me. It's not about not feeling pain. It's about not allowing the pain to become suffering. It's a tricky area, and I'm not pretending that I'm there already or that I understand it perfectly. It's something I'm practicing and trying to incorporate into my life.
Ideally, in the moment when I'm hurt, I feel that pain, and then I let it go. I do not dwell on it. I do not let it haunt me. When I think of the event again, and I find that it still hurts, then I allow myself to sit with the pain again. I don't feed the pain. Instead, I let the emotions fade away again. I keep doing this over and over again.
I'm rarely ideal. But when I try this, it helps tremendously.
Letting hurt go and forgiving others are not one time events. They both require us to let the pain go and forgive the one who hurt us each time the event comes to mind again. In this way, we can reduce our own suffering.
@RosaViolet, I get what you're saying, but I would argue that not suffering is different from not caring. If we can't remove the suffering from the equation, we are more likely to act based on our negative emotions rather than our intellect. Letting the negative feelings go frees us to act from a position of compassion and wisdom rather than hurt and anger.