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Just Some Cool Questions

@georgiagalaxy My parents still have Border Collies. This is a picture of my dog Enzo with Maggie.

Most of ours were tricolor but my parents also have a red and white one named Leah. I will try to find a good picture of her. She is very old.

We bred Border Collies when I was younger.
The last one I had that was mine (and not my parents’) passed away in 2020, unfortunately.

Enzo with my parents’ Border Collie, Maggie:

View attachment 102200
Aww, how cute! We have a tricolour as well in around the same colours ^w^
What is your favourite way to eat a potato?

What are your opinions on
Potato: I LOOOOVE chips, I eat them really fast, so it'd have to be chips. But I love potatoes in any form with sauce :) I am not that much of a picky eater anymore.
Rabbits: Cute! I like memes and pictures about them, although I haven't seen much of them in real life.
Dragons: COOOL! I love the movie How to Train Your Dragon.
Nessie: Sounds cool, I like those! You're making me think of a character called Lorna McNessie from Monster High :) Lorna McNessie
Sorry about the hard questions. I probably can't answer them myself! Book: LOTR. Literary novel Elias Cannetti's Auto-da-Fe, or possibly The Tin Drum.

Film: too many to count. I recently rewatched The Big Sleep (1944) multiple times. I also love Matewan (a kind of reversed Western set in a coal-mining town, where the lone hero in black who comes to liberate the people is not a gunslinger but a pacifist union organiser!).

Band: Steely Dan. I have a wide choice of other music I like too.
Had a look at your letterboxd list: some classics there. Impressive taste for a youngling.:D
Aww thank you so much! ^-^ I think one reason I have such good taste is because my family has exposed me to a lot of old things, which I am genuinely interested in :o And I'm up to date with now too.
Sorry about the hard questions. I probably can't answer them myself! Book: LOTR. Literary novel Elias Cannetti's Auto-da-Fe, or possibly The Tin Drum.

Film: too many to count. I recently rewatched The Big Sleep (1944) multiple times. I also love Matewan (a kind of reversed Western set in a coal-mining town, where the lone hero in black who comes to liberate the people is not a gunslinger but a pacifist union organiser!).

Band: Steely Dan. I have a wide choice of other music I like too.
The questions were meant to be for me to answer but that's ok :)

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