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Lack of sleep and certain symptoms

Food is becoming a hard thing to do because my brain is telling me that if I eat my parent's food they'll somehow use it against me.

They have always been like this, they do me a favor then charge me for it when I don't do what they want which used to make me feel guilty and easily manipulated
Learn to cook. It's well worth paying to do this.

Cooking classes are fun, and can be quite social. All you have to be careful about is starting at the right level.
Or if you're over the initial threshold already, work on making food that can be eaten later with minimal effort.

The jacked "steroid kings" at the gym will almost certainly include guys on very strict diets who prepare their own food. Just for fun, see if you can find a cooking class by asking them :)

BTW - this isn't a recommendation for juicing. Even for guys there are very real health risks.
For years, I was focussed on getting enough sleep that I could drive safely. Then, I found out that it took another hour or so to get enough sleep to enjoy life and be friendly.
For years, I was focussed on getting enough sleep that I could drive safely. Then, I found out that it took another hour or so to get enough sleep to enjoy life and be friendly.
This was me too

I thought that 6 hours was enough and, oh boy was I wrong!

8-9 hours of sleep is what I need to have a good night's sleep and is what my body sleeps. I usually do not need an alarm clock to wake up, I'm pretty good at waking up when my body has slept enough

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