have you seen a dead human body up close, touched It ,the reason I’m asking is people are unique ,you just never know ,I saw the injuries caused by a shot gun ,this was of somebody dead as you can imagine ,didn’t look any better being dead , couldn’t imagine somebody being alive with that ,dead was still horrible, I never know how funeral directors do what they do ,the injuries from a crash or from an aeroplane crash are horrific ,trying to make that look normal I couldn’t even begin !I was in a train crash and I was rolled around like beans a bean can ,The driver died ,I don’t even want to imagine what he looked like, I don’t know how my mother worked at the fire station she got nauseous very easily and she would see the scene of crime photographs, she obviously wanted the job a lot .I'll look out for that @Streetwise, thank you.
It seems especially sad that sometimes people who are murdered end up in rubbish bins. Like adding insult to injury, although realistically I know that if a person has had their life stolen from them it can't get much worse :/
I wonder what he thought of it all, too. I feel like I would do a lot better with the dead than with live people who are injured. I'm not good with that.