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Last person to post wins.

Yes, I named myself after him. I saw the movie one night on PBS, not long after learning I might be Autistic. I think it (and the book) are the best representations of Autism I've seen. Part of that is because it's never mentioned. The audience is forced to assess Stevens as a person, without label. But, the traits are clear if you understand them. Most reviews are more superficial, and describe him as repressed and detached.

I wouldn't say I'm like him a lot, but I relate to him and appreciate the sad love story at the story's core. Highly recommended.

(The Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro, of course.)
I don't remember the complete plot. I do remember Jodie Foster. I don't know who he harrased, or what he did in every scene. He was a prisoner, who escaped, and Jodie was fbi. A woman loooking for a strange man, and she found him. End sequence was very exciting.

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