McGuyver was a rank amateur. Or, more accurately, McGuyver's writers were rank amateurs. They consistently took a little knowledge and liberally misinterpreted/misapplied it to present impossible situations. In the original series, young aspie me used to get really upset with this, since I knew how easily the writers could have researched just a
little bit more and M
cGuyvered the situations correctly.
All that said, I pretty live a McGuyver existence. Growing up poor (or at least lower middle class), I never had money to throw at things, so I had to come up with no or low cost solutions. Even now when I do have some funds to throw at problems, I still take the McGuyver route more often than not.
My latest "project" was fabricating a locking pin lever for a Derringer pistol. After looking for suitable metal, wood, or plastic pieces to make it from, I noticed that the plastic underside of a push-and-turn safety pill bottle cap was about the right thickness, and seemed rigid enough. So I separated it from the top of the cap, cut it to shape, and drilled a hole, which I then elongated to fit on the locking pin. You can see the working result in the first pic.
I didn't like the white appearance of the lever, so I used a Sharpie pen to blacken it as seen below. The remains of the pill bottle lid are also shown. The last pic shows how an original locking pin lever looked.