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Life-long Obsession?

I don't really know what to say anymore, but I deeply appreciate all of your comments!

@OkRad That's a fascinating way to look at it! I'll definitely be considering that.

I'll have to keep coming back to this thread and rereading everything because it's a lot. I'm used to almost all input being from myself, a single experience, but I've suddenly received the perspectives of many others with far more experience and knowledge in different areas. I'm used to conversing with people who aren't particularly knowledgeable in anything, so this website is indispensable.

Even therapists usually responded to certain things with surprise. I always thought, "dont you talk to people with problems like this? Why is this so new to you?" I guess they mostly deal with people who have trouble sticking to diets and things like that. Maybe a therapist specializing in something like trauma would be more helpful, if that's a thing.
I'm used to conversing with people who aren't particularly knowledgeable in anything, so this website is indispensable.Even therapists usually responded to certain things with surprise. I always thought, "dont you talk to people with problems like this? Why is this so new to you?" I guess they mostly deal with people who have trouble sticking to diets and things like that.
So true! That is the beauty of this site. Aspie are so smart and they see things others don't. People here have helped me find solutions I never imagined :-)
I can relate. I get obsessed with certain people none romantically. They usually are the same build which is stocky. Any minute, unintentionally dismissive gesture is utterly tragic. I'm better at hiding it but I wish I knew the root cause

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