Autumn is my favorite time of year. It's also my favorite time to hit the road even more than I do now, cause I get some freedom. I also try to swing it where I transfer to SoCal and work there in the winter... I hate winter here... high winds, dry, some snow (usually a couple of blizzards), ridiculous chill factors... Its not for me, if I can bolt... I'm gone.
Right now here is TX is seems to have lots of signs of a possible early fall. These are usually the dog days of summer... 105 no wind, it sucks... But this years seems different. Already a few signs of yellowing leaves cool, foggy rainy...
I would just like to know what peoples favorite seasons are, and what they look like...
We are expecting big storms to come in from Tropical Storm/Hurricane Harvey (he cant seem to make up his mind)... This may be just fooling with my senses, but I smell Fall and I like that smell. When I'm in SoCal its basically same season year round so it isn't very noticeable. In TX its very noticeable, but tomorrow it might be 105 again, who knows.
Right now here is TX is seems to have lots of signs of a possible early fall. These are usually the dog days of summer... 105 no wind, it sucks... But this years seems different. Already a few signs of yellowing leaves cool, foggy rainy...
I would just like to know what peoples favorite seasons are, and what they look like...
We are expecting big storms to come in from Tropical Storm/Hurricane Harvey (he cant seem to make up his mind)... This may be just fooling with my senses, but I smell Fall and I like that smell. When I'm in SoCal its basically same season year round so it isn't very noticeable. In TX its very noticeable, but tomorrow it might be 105 again, who knows.