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'Like' button

All of the rating icons except Disagree (neutral) add 1 point. Karma is the total score of all those points from all your posts combined.

You have 112 right now, which means someone has Liked your posts, in one way or another, 112 times.
Thanks! I'll get the hang of this sooner or later. :-)
You may have to blame me, sorry. I didn't like 'like'ing a post I felt sympathy for and made a suggestion for more options. Been playing with it for a while today and finding it quite fun.
But that's just me ;)
Not looking to blame, just to understand and, admittedly, to fit in. Can you relate? At any rate, thanks!
You may have to blame me, sorry. I didn't like 'like'ing a post I felt sympathy for and made a suggestion for more options. Been playing with it for a while today and finding it quite fun.
But that's just me ;)

You can thank everyone with a blue name. Wasn't free to make that happen :)
You're sooo generous Brent, my man, I've got hundreds!! ;)
No, I'd say try this for a while, see what people say, see what buttons're used the most/least, the occasional tweak.. ya know just the amazing job you're doing right now mate :)
..any chance of a background color, preferably a hint/pastelly? Perhaps a faint pattern.. :D
Can there be fancy 'like' buttons, etc, coming on mobile devices too? There's only the original hearts available.
Can there be fancy 'like' buttons, etc, coming on mobile devices too? There's only the original hearts available.

Unfortunately the mobile devices will only have the traditional Like. We want to keep the mobile apps as minimal and fast as possible.
Your wish is my command.

No command here, but a gentle request... Would it be possible to move the "X" to the end of the row, on one side or another? To avoid accidental "disagree" clicks?

:oops: Not a fan of that option.

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