I know she lied to me and I would really not be surprised if she lied to me more. however, I'm not so retarded that I would send money to her at all, at least not before we met. if she ask money from me over skype, I tell her no. if she breaks up with me then because of that, fine. but I don't break up with her just because she lied to me once, because she deserves a second chance. I know there are relationships where one of them have been cheating and they still keep together. so "running away before money even comes to equation" seems like a bad idea to me, because it isn't even sure that she will beg for money, and I expect her to not beg for money too. if she start to ask for money then I really know the relationship is unserious and I should leave.
and I do know alot about her but I didn't mentioned it here because I thought it was going to be between us. but since many people assume I don't know anything about her I will tell you what I know about her.
she is 23(updated age) and live in nigeria. she works as a police and go school at the same time. she solves this by working some days of the week and go school the other day. she has 4 simblings. the youngest is 8 and her oldest is 20. her dad died in an accident and her mum cannot work, since the mum has hreumatism and can barely walk. each sunday she go to the church and is a choralist. at work ahe works from 6 am to 6 pm.
thats what I know about her. of course I don't know as much as I am supposed to do, since we don't interract so often, but I always work hard to know her better.
and when it comes to lies, when we had the argue of her lie about her age. I told her that if there were any more hidden things she had to tell me, because if I find out more lies I'll leave her. if she really love me, she should have told those lies in that conversation. I don't say that she won't lie again. she will probably lie again, and then I am done with her, and she know that. and I have lots of ways to reveal her. I can just, and will, ask her friends or family members and I will find out if she lied to me more.
I agree with you all that a relationship based on lies will not last for long. but breaking up with someone just because of something you think, assume or believe is not right from my point of view.