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Longer ring finger a sign of autism?

Which is the longer finger?

  • Index

    Votes: 5 21.7%
  • ring

    Votes: 18 78.3%

  • Total voters
Rocco, my man, I've never heard of Buccaneers grip and I'm sorry can't find anything in a search.. can I ask though, the green wire in the photo, are you earthed?

"peculiarities of hair" That's kinda personal, but , er, ah, yeah,.... blushes....

Hmm, that's piqued my interest.. mines unruly, like my avatar; I've been told to keep it short now, but never cut it before.. tried dreads too, but too much looking after and that's why it's short now :cool:
Okay. This is just another spin on autism being the extreme male brain. The difference in the length of the ring finger is linked to testosterone.
BBC - Science & Nature - Sex ID - Testosterone

Also transgendered MtF and FtM also show that the length of their ring fingers are closely related to the opposite sex. I don't think that theory is sound when used as an autism detector. My ring and index are the same length, and I doubt anyone who ever meant me would say I have an extreme male brain.

This is also my understanding, the science behind finger ratio indicates that a longer ring finger is linked to an increase in the second rush of fetal testosterone, the first general with give the fetus a male body if a y chromosome is present, the second, affects the development of the gender of the brain. This I believe is why mr. Baron-Cohen is claiming extreme male brain, studies indicate a female Nt and female Autistic brains are slightly different, yet there is no evidence of the male brains being more male in these areas. Testosterone has a lot of functions, I have a longer ring finger and I think very logically and systematically, emotions and empathy are difficult, if this is a result of fetal testosterone level or whatever is linked to autism, I feel that we need to stop creating cultural, societal, and generational gender roles even minute of the day, and not cast out those because they don't conform. To him my brain may be more male but whatever I don't feel male I don't identify as male and it is far more complex that a binary gender system. What maleness is and what femaleness is varies culture to culture. Finally, I shall end my tangent by saying, is it nature or nurture , these gender differences in thinking. Example, in some Asian cultures, women are subdued, some matriarchal societies women control all aspects of life. In some societies eye contact is disrespectful, in other it is a sign of attention and respect.
Then what explains me having beard growth? :p
Your dingly danglies! :D (Er, you are a dude, right? I have trouble remembering online gender sometimes.)

But, if you do have a lot of estrogen in your system, I've heard that your chances of going bald are much lower.
Your dingly danglies! :D (Er, you are a dude, right? I have trouble remembering online gender sometimes.)

But, if you do have a lot of estrogen in your system, I've heard that your chances of going bald are much lower.
Yeah, I'm a dude. But I surely wouldn't have minded it if I were a girl. :)
But that aside. Great news the chance of getting bald is much lower! Are there more advantages? :D
Okay. This is just another spin on autism being the extreme male brain. The difference in the length of the ring finger is linked to testosterone.
BBC - Science & Nature - Sex ID - Testosterone

Also transgendered MtF and FtM also show that the length of their ring fingers are closely related to the opposite sex. I don't think that theory is sound when used as an autism detector. My ring and index are the same length, and I doubt anyone who ever meant me would say I have an extreme male brain.

Thank you for bringing this up. I've seen a lot of speculation about digit ratio and sexual orientation, as well as autism and a number of other human variations. I wouldn't put too much weight on this inexact science in most cases, except to agree that testosterone is clearly involved with digit ratio, as most men do have longer ring fingers than index, and most women the opposite. [And also, of course, to acknowledge that the pattern seen among transgendered individuals is compelling support for their essential claim.]
I use superglue for wounds (discussed on another thread here somewhere), I might invent a superglue/hairgel combo at this rate, for all you right-handed, balding guys :p
Rocco, my man, I've never heard of Buccaneers grip and I'm sorry can't find anything in a search.. can I ask though, the green wire in the photo, are you earthed?

No, that's my phone charging cable.
Finger length related to autism! | Low ‘digit ratio’ (0.94) | Finger length & DIGIT RATIO hand news!

Has anyone come across the idea, proposed by Simon Barron-Cohen, that a longer ring finger than index finger is an indicator of autism; Known as the 2nd to 4th ratio?
Mine is half a fingernail-length longer.. :eek:

Note: Hand signs in Autism: dermatoglyphics the little finger!
Just saw this also - differences in the dermatoglyphics of the little finger and palm.. if your eyes're up to it..

mine is longer only on the left hand!
The recurrent theme of asymmetry is interesting.. my right hand has burn scars and damage, so I can't tell.. wonder if there's any correlation between handedness and which ring finger is longer?
My right ring finger is 2 millimeters longer then my left.
Both are longer then my index fingers.
I'm left handed, most of the time.
No, the corresponding fingers on both my hands are approximately equal. But my right ring finger is nearly as long as my middle finger!

I am left handed - all my writing is left handed and it dominates most of my activities. But I can only use a mouse and a scissors with my right hand. Keyboard: both hands.

BTW I have poor co-ordination and never could ride a bicycle or steer a manual shift car. Is this also common among us aliens? :D

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