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Longest you have went being single

Since you did not specified just single aspie's to answer......!

Your question got me thinking and how surprised I am that despite having very little to like about being me, find that from time I started to date ie boys started noticing and I guess, the yum effect lol was when I hit 16, which, thinking about it, was when I started to be officially a woman ie period and so, must have given off the " I am ready for a man or boy lol".

Even when I met my now husband, I had just finished an intense relationship and started another one, but that was a stupid mistake and then, this other guy started showing interest but reconciled that I was still very much in love with my ex boyfriend of nearly 3 years and then, pretty soon after that, met my future husband, but we decided to part ways and I ended up dating briefly this Irish guy and from there, my now husband declared being in love with me and so, not single for 23 years.

It truly surprises me and ok I do feel good about it all, but one must never give up hope! I know some who found love very late in life.

There could be something positive also about not knowing one is an aspie, until later in life, in the respects of finding a partner!
Single as in never married? My whole life. :oops:

(Eisenhower was president when I was born.) :eek:
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Oh, I've pretty much already written off this life. Maybe in the next one...:)
Never say never, because you never know. She may be looking your way now.

(Eisenhower was still in the army when I was born.)
Realistically speaking, the only time I've not been single has been the second half of the 1990s. And I don't miss relationships, so this isn't ending anytime soon.
I can't remember the longest period .. at least five years maybe seven. I didn't meet my partner until I was 42 and it seemed like all the women I had dated my whole life were a mistake or maybe a wasted of time. That doesn't sound very kind and it's not what I mean. What I mean is that though I dated it wasn't until I met my girlfriend that having a heart made sense. I am 47 now.
Gromet it can be hard to find the right word and some times we have to pick the one closest to what we want.
Gromet it can be hard to find the right word and some times we have to pick the one closest to what we want.

Thank you. That is the only way I can say things. I used to wait for the right words but then I would wait so long I often would not say anything.
22 years and counting, but I think I'll find someone who I can have a happy and romantic relationship with at some point. :)
Best wishes to all those who are looking for love and all those who aren't.
I feel we find some one when we are ready for them. As in having learnt to give and recieve and being comfortable in our own selves.
About 13-14 years. I had my first boyfriend in ninth grade.~ Since my first relationship, I suppose the longest is six years...er, right? Since December 2009... Ah, well, it'll be six years soon enough. I almost had one, but ehk, neurotypicals are just TOO clingy.
I have been single for exactly 25 years today! :shortcake:
(Well, except for one time I sort of dated a guy for a while without realising, but since I didn't know about it and rejected him as soon as I realised his misapprehension I don't think it counts:coldsweat::expressionless:)
I have been single for exactly 25 years today! :shortcake:
(Well, except for one time I sort of dated a guy for a while without realising, but since I didn't know about it and rejected him as soon as I realised his misapprehension I don't think it counts:coldsweat::expressionless:)

30 years exactly, as of yesterday
15 years. Not for lack of trying, though. I want to have a friend. I want to have someone to listen and talk to. Whenever I ask my friends (all of whom are male) to go out, they assume I have romantic intentions.

I've only ever asked one person on a date, and I was rejected. The rejection wouldn't have hurt so much if he wasn't such a good kid. I don't get upset whenever a$$holes are harsh, but when a good kid literally says "I have better things to do," it hurts.

I've asked a few male friends to school dances, and been rejected every time. I don't try any more. We're actually having a dance this Saturday, but I'm not going.

At the Honkey Tonks (like traditional southern/western dances, involving classic pair dances like two-step, waltz, etc.) people who aren't married frequently invite and are invited by strangers to dance- its a big social gathering. I've never been invited to dance by anyone other than my sisters, mother, father, uncle, or grandfather. When I ask (I've asked 17 different people over the years, I just gave up at the last few) they inevitably said no. five of the seventeen mentioned promptly turned around and asked one of my sisters, all of whom my sisters accepted. It's kind of weird, really.

I don't know what I'm doing wrong. It works out for even the most plain and uninteresting people, but I'm left watching the social circus from the sidelines.

Other females develop these weird crushes on me though :/ I'm not sure why. I wish they would stop, or at least stop sending me texts at odd hours. One of them is still winking at me in class. It makes me so nervous I start to stim.
It must be, oh, what, six years now? Ever since I discovered I was in fact an aromantic asexual. So I've no problem anymore with that.

For those who do in fact desire a partner...I don't think I've ever met anyone, AS or NT, whose prowess alone landed them the mate they desired. From my observations, yes, there are certain things you can do, and I do know that online dating is on the rise and being met with some success, but really, it's all in the luck of the draw. Don't despair. Don't dwell on your presumed "failures." Nobody is perfect, and not everybody is lucky. There's a lot of trial and error involved, both with finding somebody at all and finding somebody with whom you can get along romantically.

I guess around 18/19 years without and that does not include those short term relationships that for some reason did not last very long?

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