Maelstrom More often than not. I didn't grow up in a normal, functional family - it was very dysfunctional and, by the time I was 12, my mother had become a religious fanatic in the worst possible way. my father was BPD and, more I suspect but, he would never admit to being psychotic at times.
I left that life for a life of music and, ultimately fame. Yeah I know, wonderful, amazing, fun, money, having it all and so on. True but, it also makes you an outsider. For all I was constantly surrounded by people and praised, cheered, even proposed to, I could never have a normal life. All I could do was watch from behind my proverbial glass wall while normal people sat in that restaurant eating, laughing and relaxing without a care in the world.
I was the urchin wearing Prada and diamonds but, still the urchin looking in from the outside. Prada isn't very warm and diamonds can be colder than ice against your skin when you don't want them there.
There was a time I regretted my choices, wanted a normal life but, by then it was too late for that. You never know how good the simple things in life are until you can't have them anymore. But I came to terms with the life I built and, learned to live it and love it for what it is, a quirky, fast paced, ever changing world where everyone wears facades, and nothing is what it seems. But under it all are some of the most amazing individuals you'll ever meet, people that make the challenges I have overcome look like I had it all handed to me on a silver platter.
I'd never have know how amazing those people are if I hadn't made the choices I did. I even know two very famous musicians who are at least partially deaf, yet they are among the best of the best. That just proves there is no obstacle you can't overcome if you really want to overcome it. If a man can build a mega successful career based on sounds he can't hear, anyone can do anything they set their mind to doing.
I'll never have a normal life but, I've accepted that as the price for all the good that has come my way and, all the good I have done and, may yet do - it's worth being the urchin when that urchin can make a difference in just one life and, I've been blessed with that opportunity multiple times in my life.
And hey, I still look young enough to wear that Prada while I stand out there and let the diamond earrings freeze right out of my ears.