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Looking for Advice: Autistic Husband with NT Wife

If your quiet natured like me women are not interested anyway,its better to be a violent thug then they think more of you

Those are the only kind l like. Sensitive, quiet types. But true, that this post is to help someone. Maybe you should start a thread on relationship issues. There are others who suffer just like that.
Those are the only kind l like. Sensitive, quiet types. But true, that this post is to help someone. Maybe you should start a thread on relationship issues. There are others who suffer just like that.
yes we incels get blamed, women marry thugs and accuse them of being toxic but if your not a thug you get rejection, blame and insults, so sadly i hate women's guts.

Expecting men to go through life alone with no sex no interaction with women of any kind is pure sadistic cruelty .
Your anger towards woman
Its difficult because every time i mention how much i hate women my posts are deleted , women preach hate against men in the media, governments and online and due to sexist bias that hate is allowed , but men cant say anything which is one reason i hate women.

i agree with myself, there is a double standard bias

there is a double standard that prevents men from having a say

i would also say that anyone who thinks i should accept going through life alone with no interaction with women is plain cruel.
There is isnt much help for people with Aspergers and for someone like me who has difficulty interacting there is no help at all, people in general are cruel sadist bastards

Its difficult because every time i mention how much i hate women my posts are deleted , women preach hate against men in the media, governments and online and due to sexist bias that hate is allowed , but men cant say anything which is one reason i hate women.

i agree with myself, there is a double standard bias

there is a double standard that prevents men from having a say

i would also say that anyone who thinks i should accept going through life alone with no interaction with women is plain cruel.
Nobody expects you to do so. It is just what happened. And you are probably complicit in that.

Those women in media aren't your standard women. They get their media exposure because they are the extreme. A small minority who shouts will always get attention. If you can't cope with that then watch Fox News.

I have met hundreds of women over several decades and maybe two or three of them genuinely hated men. Some of them had issues with men because men abused them over their lives. There are some real narcissists out there and male parasites and guys with anger management issues and guys who are simply crude and thuggish and they cause a lot of damage. The same thing can be said of womankind as well.

If you had bad experiences with women, I advise you to chalk it up to experience. Accept some of the responsibility yourself. Autism is notorious for short circuiting one's ability to navigate social situations and that is likely the real problem. Hating women will guarantee you'll never get close - and that is on you.
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Expecting men to go through life alone with no sex no interaction with women of any kind is pure sadistic cruelty .
You are not entitled to a woman, as we are beings not things.

If you want a partner you have to work for it, nobody expects you to go through life alone.

But the world owes you nothing, so stop blaming women for your lack of internal motivation to change your own situation.

The only person responsible for how your life goes (as soon as you are an adult) is you and you alone.
You are not entitled to a woman, as we are beings not things.

If you want a partner you have to work for it, nobody expects you to go through life alone.

But the world owes you nothing, so stop blaming women for your lack of internal motivation to change your own situation.

The only person responsible for how your life goes (as soon as you are an adult) is you and you alone.

Truer words never spoken. How nicely written. Sometimes we forget this. We must always respect others boundaries.

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