If you're trying to compete with AloneNotLonely for the most offensive post in this thread, you've found a winner here IMHO. I don't think that either of you are trying to be offensive. This is a topic that many (if not most) of us on this site struggle with, have had trauma with, but really want to learn about and change for ourselves. Just as with your history it's a heated topic, for us it's even more so since these issues will always stand in our way, we can't simply decide to avoid all people like you in the future. We have to learn to get along with you (neurotypicals, non-autistic people) or else be very lonely.
Our points of view are very different. It will not be easy for you to understand how we see this topic, we do not begin with common frames of reference. We're at a very slight advantage here, as we've spent our lives trying to communicate with you lot, whereas we are a minority of the people you've had to deal with in your life. We can make this advantage available to you, however you're going to have to put forth effort to wrap your head around it and attempt to see things from a wider perspective than you may be used to.
The occasional person may post something nonsensical here, I cannot guarantee that we'll all make sense all the time. However it may be useful for you to take a different approach when something doesn't seem to make sense at first glance.
We have different neurologies, you and I. You lot and us lot. When we interact there is our perspective, your perspective, and the big picture - the interaction as seen from outside either of our perspectives. To understand what's happening you need to see the big picture. It will not make sense from either of our narrow perspectives. So when something someone else says doesn't make sense to you, instead of dismissing it try to interpret the situation in a way that would make it make sense. Point out the particular parts that don't make sense to you and ask about them.
"2+2+2=8" "No it doesn't, you're nuts, end of conversation."
"2+2+2=8" "Hmm. I see six, not eight. Two plus two plus two looks like six to me. What could be happening here?" "Let's try this then, 2+2+2+2=16" "No, that looks like it should be eight now..." "Oh, I get it! You're seeing x where we see +, 2x2x2=8" "Yes, that's it!"
I appreciate the sentiment that brings you here (aside from you wanting to learn about us to avoid us), and want to encourage you to learn more. But if you're not willing to try to understand things from outside of your current perspective and put effort in as I've suggested above, I believe that you're wasting your time. You're not going to make sense out of us by forcing us into your perspective, to make us fit the world that you see you have to bend us out of shape, and you aren't going to understand how a car works by examining the cube that comes out of the end of a crusher in a junk yard.
You may be unaware of it, but we're already showing you much more patience and understanding than you're showing
@AloneNotLonely . That's okay, you can expect that, but thought you should be aware of it. We're used to being misunderstood. We expect it. When you're dealing with us you should learn to expect it too, and to treat an apparent difference of opinion as a possible difference of perspective. If it is a difference of perspective and you fail to do this, you'll never learn the truth of the situation.