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Looney Tunes

The pair of gangsters because they have a certain "Three Stooges" dynamic and I love the Three Stooges

Beaky Buzzard too, this particular cartoon I've always loved

And Gossamer!



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I always thought "Yosemite Sam" was one of the funniest characters.

Who tends to remind me of harmless bullies. :p

Not sure if it is a part of Looney Tunes, but when I was a kid I really liked Jiminy Cricket when he sang "When You Wish Upon a Star". That was on tv every Christmas Eve morning and I watched it every time.

Not sure if it is a part of Looney Tunes, but when I was a kid I really liked Jiminy Cricket when he sang "When You Wish Upon a Star". That was on tv every Christmas Eve morning and I watched it every time.

Nope...that was Disney's "Pinocchio" (1940).

i used to watch this and the other ones every afternoon, after coming back from school hungry, my mother prepared me cocoa chocolate etc.
Wile-E Coyote
How can any other character express that dumbfounded way every attempt to get on, comes to failure! That look he gives, just seconds before gravity decides to take a hand, and he flies down to the desert floor so many thousands of feet below that precipice, knowing already what awaits him, with resignation? :smilingimp:
Is that not a perfect metaphor for ASD?
All those careful detailed plans, coming to naught, yet again? And punishment forthcoming...!
The denizens of the Termite Terrace at Warner Brothers were the most prolific characters with wicked humors.
I always liked Bugs Bunny the most. I liked his confidence and his ability to adapt to whatever situation he found himself in. He was quite witty too.

One scene I remember the most from when I was a kid was when Elmer Fudd has his shot gun on Bugs and Bugs tells him if he shoots he will be a "Dirty Rat". Elmer shoots and Bugs disappears behind a cloud of smoke and Elmer turns to the camera and definitely gloats "So I'm a big fat dirty rat!". Bugs suddenly emerges from the cloud of smoke and sneers "Ah have some cheese rrrrrrrat!" and shoves a wedge of cheese in Elmer's mouth before running off into the distance.

I thought it was so funny when I was about 6! :)

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