I have the "core" obsessions that haven't changed my entire life...Disney, Duran Duran, cross stitching, but everything else comes and goes pretty fast. I can be so obsessed with something that I almost can't breathe if I'm away from it for an hour, but a few weeks later, I'm done. There are times when I do go back to previous obsessions, but the second or third round typically doesn't last as long as the first. The core three has their ebbs and flows too, but they are always there and don't tend to affect me as strongly as the "newbies".
I'm the same way with people, FYI...besties for like five minutes, and then I'm done. The only exception to this rule has been my online friends for some reason. Maybe it has to do with people in my face or my space.
I do find that, when I'm in a serious obsessive phase, I tend to be more depressive because I can't be doing my obsession 24/7. With the core three, the only time I'm depressed by them is what I call "post Disney depression" which is after a Disney trip and I'm back in the "real" world and I'm not spending an entire year planning a trip or actually being on a trip. I can't say that Duran Duran or cross stitching puts me in a depression much. A lot of the time, when I'm really in a bad mood, I will play Duran Duran's Serious over and over on constant repeat, sometimes for days or weeks (drives my co-workers nuts) until I start feeling better. I also tend to stitch every single waking hour at home and clock more stitching hours than working hours in a week (I average about 50 working hours per week, so that's saying something).
I can probably add secondary cores of Astronomy and Take That to the bunch because I have been obsessed with them for at least 10+ years now so they made it through the short period. They aren't as strong as the big three (or holy trinity as I like to call them), but strong enough that I've decided to go back to school to study Astronomy and I tend to play Take That constantly unless I'm in a bad mood (although I have never seen TT live and I've been to dozens of DD shows).
I'm the same way with people, FYI...besties for like five minutes, and then I'm done. The only exception to this rule has been my online friends for some reason. Maybe it has to do with people in my face or my space.
I do find that, when I'm in a serious obsessive phase, I tend to be more depressive because I can't be doing my obsession 24/7. With the core three, the only time I'm depressed by them is what I call "post Disney depression" which is after a Disney trip and I'm back in the "real" world and I'm not spending an entire year planning a trip or actually being on a trip. I can't say that Duran Duran or cross stitching puts me in a depression much. A lot of the time, when I'm really in a bad mood, I will play Duran Duran's Serious over and over on constant repeat, sometimes for days or weeks (drives my co-workers nuts) until I start feeling better. I also tend to stitch every single waking hour at home and clock more stitching hours than working hours in a week (I average about 50 working hours per week, so that's saying something).
I can probably add secondary cores of Astronomy and Take That to the bunch because I have been obsessed with them for at least 10+ years now so they made it through the short period. They aren't as strong as the big three (or holy trinity as I like to call them), but strong enough that I've decided to go back to school to study Astronomy and I tend to play Take That constantly unless I'm in a bad mood (although I have never seen TT live and I've been to dozens of DD shows).