i'll try 2 make this short ---i'm an adult christian believer w' asperger's & a little bit of autism), that is unable 2 recognize god's voice, presence, answers, signs or even warning signs in general (except rarely after the fact)...i can only understand the literal parts of the bible & not even all of that (symbolism, codes, #'s, imagary, etc is 2 difficult 4 me)
...even thou i know right from wrong, i don't even know when i'm sinning as everything has 2 b written down or listed in full detail & only then am i able 2 know
...i grew up in a house w' parents who not only doesn't believe in god, but wouldn't even let me go 2 church w' a friend, until i was @ lst 13 (& even then they were unwilling) even thou i knew there was a higher power @ 5 or 6...also, they were/r extremely controlling & i was never able 2 make my own choices or speak 4 myself
...i also don't have the ability/foresight 2 look into/search future events cuz like a recovering alcholic, i can only take things 2 days @ a time or my sensory system becomes overwhelmed & it can @ lst 4 days 2 fully recover...i'm also unable 2 read body language as well as in between the lines
...anyway, as a result, i unknowingly/innocently/was tricked into taking the mob (the rt pcr dna test --- transhumanism = chimera, cyborg, artificial intelligence --- which changes ur dna, plus it has all the ingrediants of the mark: buy/sell, name of man/# of man/ image of beast...initially, u'r the beast & the temple is inside u, so that's how u worship the beast...
i know i said this is from the test, but the vax r the
mark 2 as they do the same thing, except the test does every thing @ once & yes, the test can vaccinate u & it does implant chips in u as well...it is also a gene experiment - a depopulation tool...the vax used in the pcr test is not the same as the typical vax since i had the test done in 2019 & the vaxs weren't out, but they r a form of the vax (or should i say medicine since the kits were purposly labeled as such)...i never was gonna get the test or vax, but only cuz i didn't c y a hlthy person should b tested just 2 c if u had it, w'out having it (covid) & going in 2 b tested...initially, i had 2 go 2 the er 4 what turned out 2 b an inner bleed (gastritis) in which i lost 3 units of blood in 2 hrs after admission (plus 1 more the next day)
...the test was a requirement 4 admission & i felt no warning signs or anything...anyway, i finally looked up 2 get info abt the test once i was discharged as a result of what i felt & that's when i learned what it was...i know u may not believe these things 2 b the mark so if that's the case, plz answer hypothetically, otherwise do so normally
...now, this is my question -- can i still b saved since this was a result of my aspergers & that it was not directly a choice i made, but 1 made 4 me???this shouldn't have happened as i was a true believer (& still am) & i never turned my back on god, or rejected him - i've never blamed him 4 this as well...being an aspie, not only am i more sensitive 2 things (like i felt the chips) & am closer 2 the spirit world (i've seen my dead grandfather, spirit forms/figures - both good & bad & even felt a human flesh & even an angel's touch)
...however, i still can't recognize god or understand the bible & i'm scared that cuz i took the mark (in the ways aforementioned), i'm scared i'm going 2 go 2 hell cuz of my autism (developmental disorder)...so, is there a chance i can still b saved cuz of my disabilitiies???
i mean y would god allow me, or others w' similiar symptoms/disabilities 2 b deceived esp since i never was able 2 recognize god, his voice - thru answers or prayers, warning signs, etc...i never did c a problem, or even sin bad enuff 2 even have been worshipping satan, let alone get the mark...it was taken unknowingly, w'out informed consent, unwittingly & forcefully, so y should i lose my salvation 4 the way this has happened -- it was a reult of my limitations of my autism, which is y i say someone chose 4 me - y do i have 2 pay 4 someone else's sins
...i'd gladly accept the shorter life span ( abt 5 yrs left), as long as i can keep my salvation...b'sides, who knew that a test could inject u, so no, i did not willingly choose 2 accept the mob...plus, i have been repenting daily & the bible says u wouldn't...b'sides, the bible has been altered as all the versions don't read or mean the same thing...there r passages left out of some versions & they all pretty much contridict each other
...the 1 thing they all do agree on is that no matter how the mark is taken, force or causeth, that u would know it when y c it (a lie as it's given thru deception), u will choose 2 take it (many will) & that u will do it willingly (not in my case - i only had the test done cuz it was required by the hospital 4 admittance, but i did not choose the mark & i never would have)...that's also y there's so much guesswork on what the mark is- that's what satans plan was/is...