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masturbation /self-regulation

Masturbation is normal for everybody, NT & ND. We just might have a stim component, on top of it, and it might take a little longer for some of us to get the concept of modesty.
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We had relatives over, including a young girl who was in no way sexually abused. She started intensely masturbating in a tub with my daughter and l think it was just a need. I didn't see an attachment of any type of abuse attached to it. So it is fairly common for some kids.
...in a tub with my daughter...
Was that two children bathing together, or a mother bathing her daughter?
Was that two children bathing together, or a mother bathing her daughter?

Sorry. We put our little girls in the tub because kids love to splash and play in water. As moms, we watched that they didnt drown and caught up on family news.
The type of compulsive and or repetitive behavior is irrelevant. If it's done as a result of autism then it is an autistic stem.
I masturbate, as a form of stimming. The repetitive motion, the pleasure, and the release, of an orgasm, calm me down beautifully.
I think I've become a more pleasant person. by satisfying such desires. I wonder if it is correlated with autism.
Stimulating one's private parts is biologically design to be pleasing or gratifying. Connected to positive feelings that will make you want to do it again. There are lots of nts who masturbate daily, or have sex daily. Younger children usually won't connect the stimulation with any form of sexual feeling, and it's not as unusual as one may think that little boys or girls stimulate themselves. Even kids who aren't on the spectrum. And the only people who will think it's weird are adults, because only adults think of it as something sexual.

Around the age when puberty hits, children will naturally start to hid their more private parts (a nudist lifestyle isn't as natural as they want to think). So a 10-12 yo kid would be more likely to stimulate themself in privacy or hidden, while a younger child might happen to do it in the living room because they haven't yet started treating those body parts as private even from family.

Very young children who stimulate themselves will often stop doing it long before puberty, and not even remember having done it later.

Seeing self stimulation as something shameful or wrong in children is weird. It's as weird as people feeling like they need to hide a 3yo's body under lots of clothes even when bathing in the garden. Only adult would ever connect being naked in front of other people with something sexual that need to be kept private from everyone. Children don't view each other in that same kid of sexual way, even if they do things like studying each other's genitals.

I don't think it's a bad thing to masturbate often. If one feels a need because of anxiety or stress, that might be a problem. But it's the anxiety or stress that is the real problem, not the masturbation. I masturbate to relieve stress, but that happens very rarely now that I have found ways to deal with stress and anxiety before it becomes so consuming I need physical means of relieving it. The need to masturbate may feel very intrusive, but I really think it should be taken as a symptom of stress rather than anything else.

Pure libido is of course also a thing. And I have a feeling that men may have an easier time to accept it as a natural part of being a species that reproduces sexually. Libido is a good thing. And can be awkward if it doesn't match one's partner's libido. But if it can be solved with good communication and occasional to daily masturbation, I really wouldn't see it as a problem. Libido or the lack of it are both natural variation in humans. It shouldn't be viewed as a problem that needs solving, in most cases.

But if it gets too bad, there are meds which can make libido calm down. I think I've heard that anxiety meds work for it, which kind of makes sense to me. Anxiety and excitement (not only the sexual kind) are rather closely related feelings, at least in my experience, kind of like a dark and light side of the same coin.
I see its purpose as primarily to make the horniness go away, sorta like using the restroom because of the urge and eating because you're hungry.

This is exactly the reason for me. I find the urge annoying, I used to wish I could take a pill to make it go away. I had lots of sex when I was in relationships but the more I had the more I felt it didn't make sense. Only speaking for myself. It was just that as the urge grew, my attention towards sex grew until it seemed hugely important but after sex I lost the interest. It seemed like my brain playing a trick. I would rather do without sexual urges. I like a lot of things that make me happy, I don't need sex per se. Also, if you do want to have sex with another person, that is very hard to arrange. In a relationship it would just happen but I am single now.
there is any reason to suspect that my compulsive masturbation as a young child might have been attributable to being on the autism spectrum. I am a female. I remember that this compulsive behavior was of some embarrassment to my family, as I would sometimes "do it" in the middle of the living room floor. I also recall that it was a tremendous stress reliever. In other words, it wasn't necessarily for my own pleasure.

Well as a male I could not get away with THAT. Lol. I'm not sure if I was precocious kid, or not but I guess I did touch down there, alot.

I feel fulfilled more by a woman, than i get pleasure from hands of course. But i'm not in a relationship, right now, so when I feel sexually aroused, I have to take care of it.

Is that your theory then? Autistic people are highly sexual, cause I see alot of asexual attitudes.

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