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MBTI Personality Types, anyone?

I don't really care for these things. I've seen some annoying elitism from the some who have 'rare' personality types and two people who fall under the same personality type can be radically different. Reducing human personalities to numbers is annoying in general.
I started another thread with a different personality test called "The Color Code" and I have to say it fits me perfectly. I really do think there is something to these personality tests that ring true. It's just too uncanny at times.
This topic seems to come up or be revived regularly. My results posted elsewhere:
Introvert(100%) Sensing(25%) Thinking(25%) Judging(33%)...
Personally, I find DISC to be a more useful tool on a day to day basis.
If you have never done it before, there is a brief test (a bit too short!) at: Free DISC Test | DISC Personality Testing
And a slightly longer one here: DISC personality test - take this free DISC types test online at 123test.com
If you don't mind my asking, what does DISC mean sir?
DISC stands for Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, Compliance, and is measured on a graph with the axis being Task vs People, Direct vs Indirect.
Sometimes the result is presented as being a type of animal rather than a letter. The important thing (to me) however is not which letter or animal you are, but where you fit on the graph, and thus how we relate.
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I am INFP pretty consistently these days, but I used to test as both INFJ and INFP. I certainly have a strong J side that can be brought out to play if needed. It just hasn't been needed in my life lately. I also have a decently developed T side, but nowhere near as strong as my Feeling side, because my feelings are pretty immensely strong all the time.

Oh... I am, fully, an INFP-T. The Turbulent definitely hasn't changed.
Likely an INFP, here. Dichotomy-centered tests call me an INFJ. Cognitive Functions seem to call me an INFP.

Socionics' EII (INFj) type describes me better than either MBTI type.
INTJ here.

My sister and I did the tests together (she got a different result) and she asked if I thought the description suited me... Then we both read this part at the same time.

"Architects may even see many social practices as downright stupid."

She laughed and said, "yeah, that's you."

It's a lonely personality type. Most people don't challenge me. I'm not interested in social things other people enjoy and no one enjoys what I like. I can't relate to anyone. I go to a lot of places on my own because I want to go, but no one else does.

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